It only exists if you bring it into Focus.
If I validate that it exists then I am assisting in the creation of that Reality. Exposing the dark brings the light into Focus. Yes however, once it is let up. You Really Can Let Go.
My Daily Reality is a Choice and it is an extreme challenge to sit in choice when you are constantly fed words, actions, energy that is not how you believe you choose your life to be but the one in contrast to the life you do want does choose that and keeps talking to you about it or should I say “At you”, really not wanting your verbal participation or to in any way defend yourself, speak your mind or any contrast. Whoa Nope just not allowed.
You say in your mind over and over this is not about me, this is not my stuff. But it still triggers you. You imagine the Triggerless you and what that version of you would feel, do, think and say right now. Yet the person is there, right in front of you with their version of Reality, their Ego Programs, their story of how Reality is, their righteousness, their fear, their choices.
You are Triggered, the Triggerless you is Triggered and all lay in a pieces as a crashing wall in front of you. Don’t fret, these are just breakdowns of patterns and programs and they look like a never ending, repeatedly building STONE WALL of Triggers, of a Reality you know you don’t want to be moving into.
When you are in another room, another town, another house, and focusing on not being triggered and working on that high vibration you. You find that place of this is not my stuff, and I choose to think about, focus and bring in a different Reality for me.
Yet when you are in a Trigger boot camp let’s call it, sitting in the energy at you like a batting cage whereby there is no way to shut the balls off. You have a helmet but still you cannot stop the balls from coming. Your thoughts about what the person is saying or doing can only go so far. Your Triggerless you, your Faith, your Focus can only go so far if you choose to stay around that person.
They are not going to change their Reality. Your home, safety, sanctuary, food, life as you know it depends on them, however, you cannot move into the Reality you want when they are STRONGLY in the Contrasting reality. Partner, Parent, Child, no matter who it is, you have to remove them from your Reality in order to have the Reality you want.
Think of that person, no matter who they are as you ANCHOR to 3D, anchor to a Reality you don’t want. You really do have to let go of the Anchor, Let go of the Electricity, and move away from it, never to return. This collapses that Timeline for you eternally, you chose a higher vibration and you gave up every comfort and everything you knew to be your life to do it.
I know there are those who can have a different version of life, realty, timeline while staying in a situation as such. However, it will not be an experienced physical reality, it will only be a thought form, a potential reality that really is a Path not taken.
How can you Attract the Life you want, if you force your body to stay in a life you don’t want? You worry of hurting their Ego Feelings, you are anchored in guilt, shame and what will they think. YOU will NEVER change their mind, their words or remove their patterns, addictions and programs. You can only choose to move out of their REALITY permanently.
Yes our mind, our consciousness creates, however if we choose to stay in that situation, we are choosing that created reality. Our mind has a choice to perceive it different, however, some people’s Timeline, Reality really is like a web, a sinking ship for yours. You stay to close and have trouble unwinding enough to have your own reality. You really must move out of their Reality field in such instance. If you do not then that is fine, however, you will not raise your frequency or move into the Timeline, the Dimension you want to. It won’t be able to come into the energy that you have FORCED your physical body to stay in.
Yes I believe that your perception of what people say is what may hurt and not that “they hurt you” or offend you. I believe that how I interpret a conversation, based on my beliefs, morals, prejudices, egos, programs is how it is. However, if my body is in screaming stressed pain, and I cannot change my perception in this now with this person vomiting their ILLUSION on me so Forcefully, then I must physically remove myself from that person, PERIOD.
There is no other way to get to that next level. I can’t just take it, turn my cheek, change my mind. Yes I can change how I think about it and my consciousness however, If I am unable to do that fully because of the consuming energy of another’s EGO Program, Reality, Illusion then I must move my physical location and remove that person from my Reality. There is, as they say, NO ANDS IFS about it.
No more playing down what I do or taking a back seat with my version of Reality. I have a choice and now I must remove old debri and moving deeper into that choice and away from that in which is not what I want to see in the world. I have literally done all that I needed to, that I contracted to in order to bring in the light in that Old Reality. And now I Choose a different Reality as I unwind the Nets from legs, from my Reality. Many Lightworkers will not be able to let go of the fight and they will transition and heal that energy, transmute that energy when they are ready. This is not an excuse for me to pity them, stand with them, dig in, fight for or with them, stay in old programs because they are. I must follow my joy, my feel good body, that is where I am to be. That is what moves me to the Intended Reality for Me.
No More Excuses, Simply living the Life I want and Ignoring the energies of those who do not fit into that Focus, that Timeline I do want, regardless of who they are.
In this I must then choose to stop using their version of Reality as an excuse to not move into my reality. I must stop being afraid of what Spirit lays before me and instead keep creating.
The last 1.5 years I have been massively clearing timelines, collapsing timelines. I have been doing this by going into Trigger Tornadoes let’s call them. Those places where I can practice, let’s say, in not being Triggered in a version of Reality that is not what I know I want to be my Timeline, My Reality.
Those places where it was literally life and death in that moment to stay calm, stay non-reactive and those moments where I transitioned energy with family, with old friends, old places and moved to another layer, frequency, dimension. I leveled up each time let’s say, as old timelines collapsed and Patterns and Programs dissolved.
Yes State of Mind, of Consciousness is what creates our Reality, our Timeline. However, don’t use this as an Excuse, Reason to stay with someone who is stuck in programs so deep that you Literally are unable to live the higher frequency, higher dimension life of Joy and Laughter that you Focus on Daily. You have to Let Go of Them. Leave them To the Divine, to their own God inside to Create their Reality. Or stay frozen in their dimension by not choosing to Let Go.
You Will be SO Triggerless at some point that in this "Reality" you may be able to actually Live your Reality with them "at you" Triggering you. However, there really are those times as we shed old patterns and programs that we absolutely must move our REALITY away from their REALITY.
~ Reverend Crystal Cox
#MandelaEffect #QuantumEffect #TimelineChange #RealityChange
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