Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Earth, The Air, The Fire, The Water, Return

We all come from the GODDESS. We all Return to the Goddess. Goddess is Alive. Magick is afoot.

The Rick Simpson Hemp Oil Protocol For Cancer

"The Rick Simpson Hemp Oil Protocol for Cancer

Several people wondered why I didn’t have an article on hemp oil for cancer. There were two reasons. First, I didn’t have a good protocol and second, I didn’t know the state, province and country laws about making it.
Well, the legality of making hemp oilfor treating cancer is up to the patient, I am not a lawyer. You are on your own to find out the laws in your own state, province or country.
But someone finally broke the code and gave me a good cure. The cure is by Rick Simpson.
I haven’t used it, but I have found some good links, and plenty of evidence, for the reader to consider:
Here are some discussions about the cure:
Discussions and Testimonials of Rick Simpson Protocol
A YouTube video on the treatment, with testimonials:
YouTube video of treatment with testimonials
YouTube video on how to make Rick Simpson hemp oil:
YouTube video of how to make Rick Simpson hemp oil
A website on how to make Rick Simpson Hemp Oil:
How To Make Rick Simpson Hemp Oil
A YouTube video on how to make hemp oil by Rick Simpson, if you cannot buy it:
How To Make Hemp Oil – Rick Simpson
Websites that sells Hemp Oil:
CBD Shack
Bluebird Botanicals

Juicing Cannabis

Here is a YouTube video on juicing cannabis:
Juicing Cannabis


This is a cancer research article. The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. does not have the funds or time to keep track of local, federal, state and other laws regarding the ownership and possession of hemp oil. Thus, we cannot be responsible for the local, federal, state and other laws regarding the ownership, possession and use of hemp oil. The user must be responsible for all legal aspects of the ownership, possession and use of this product."
Source and More

More Research Links

The Rick Simpson Story: Healing Cancer with Cannabis

Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Love is your Home. Self Love Indeed. However, if you are in a relationship with someone, sharing your body, your time and energy, your life and very essence then that is home. If you do not feel at home with that person, or feel that you are loved, respected and truly connected then leave. There is no reason great enough to stay in a loveless, touchless marriage. NONE. Some say, oh I stay for the kids, BULL. 

If you do that then you teach your kids to settle for less then being truly loved, being touched and being best friends with whom they share themselves with. You teach them that settling is ok, and maybe even fighting daily or sarcasm. You are teaching them what love is. ~ Don’t you want them to know what being loved really looks like?

GIving them alleged illusions of stability does not make them better people, and does not teach them how to be happy, and have joy and a life they deserve. Stability is NOT as important as love, as touching, as laughter and real joy. Even if you live in your car with your child. WOW if you are laughing, playing, dancing, hugging and loving then you are giving them the WORLD. And all the skills they need to NOT live a lonely life of misery that often is dressed up as stability. ~ LOVE is HOME. Teach your Children that by your Living, Laughing, Loving Example. ~ Reverend Crystal Cox
"Enochian: The Mysterious Lost Language of Angels

In the year 1581, occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley, claimed to have received communications from angels, who provided them with the foundations of a language with which to communicate with ‘the other side’.  This ‘angelic’ language contained its own alphabet, grammar and syntax, which they wrote down in journals.  The new language was called "Enochian" and comes from John Dee's assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language.
Dr. John Dee, 1527-1609, was an occultist, mathematician, astronomer and astrologer who lived in Mort Lake, West London for most of his life.  An educated man who studied at St. John’s College in Cambridge, was eventually accepted into influential circles of the ruling elite and acted as scientific advisor and confidant to Queen Elizabeth I.  He is associated with coining the phrase ‘British Empire’.  During the early part of his life, Dee had little interest in the supernatural.  Later on, he became disillusioned with science and began experimenting with the occult.  Dee was looking to discover lost spiritual knowledge and recover the wisdom he believed was hidden in books of antiquity.  Among these books was the then-fabled Book of Enoch, which he conceived as being a book describing the magic system used by the Patriarch in the Bible.

The term Enochian comes from the Biblical figure Enoch, who was a source of hidden mystical knowledge and was taken up to heaven.  According to Genesis 5:24, he “walked with God” and Hebrews 11:5 states that he “was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death.”
From 1581 to 1585, Dee began performing a long series of magical events.  In 1581, at the age of 54, Dee wrote in his personal journal that God had sent “Good Angels” to communicate directly with mankind.  By 1582, he was collaborating with fellow occultist and seer Edward Kelley (1555–1597) to communicate with these angels.  Hundreds of spirit conversations were recorded, including what they claimed was an angelic language called Enochian, composed of non-English letters.  The Enochian Alphabet was revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley during “scrying sessions”, when various texts and tables were received from angels.  Scrying is a technique used by seers, psychics, and sorcerers to foretell the future and involves gazing into a reflective surface to receive messages. "

Source and Full Article
"Just do your work. And if the world needs your work it will come and get you. And if it doesn't, do your work anyway. You can have fantasies about having control over the world, but I know I can barely control my kitchen sink. That is the grace I'm given. Because when one can control things, one is limited to one's own vision." ~ Kiki Smith

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015

the EARTH is a Living Breathing, Being; a Feminine Deity. Mother Goddess Earth (Gaia) is no longer under the non-Sacred Heavy Handed, Rapist Rule of Patriarchy, Greed, Corruption, Pollution, Disrespect, Ignorance, Violence, Forcefulness, Slavery and Complete insensitivity to the Feminine Divine or the existence of the Feminine a powerful, intelligent, intuitive leadership that Mother Earth and all her tribes, water spirits, air, plants, and animals need, crave, desire and deserve.

the Goddess has returned. Love has won. Light has won. We bear witness to the end of the Dark and the clean up of it's Spoils. In the meantime, stay positive. Don't be around those that are not vibrating high. Do not turn a blind eye. Stand in Truth. Live in Truth. And Love Goddess Gaia ~ Reverend Crystal Cox
How Does the Wife of a Pedophile Not Know?

What is doing? Drunk? Drugged? Where is she? And when she does find out, what does she do? Does it matter? You Bet it does.  http://carolyngage.weebly.com/blog/a-history-of-a-pedophiles-wife-a-personal-reaction
I often wonder if Women marry men just to bitch about them. Why do they stay married to a man that they are constantly complaining about? Martyr? Self Loathing? What? Sense of Worth maybe. If you are married and complaining, especially in public for us all to hear, about your partner, spouse. THEN leave them. You may the PROBLEM.  If you Find Yourself talking negative of your significant other, then going home and laying next to them. You are the Problem.  Make a Change or don’t. Stop Slamming your Partner.
   You are meant to be happy, at peace, and if you have so much stuff that you can’t find a way to like the person you are with and not degrad them and you along with it in public, then you need to be single, go within and FIX it then perhaps try again with someone more suited to you.
     If you are staying for the alleged sake of the children, THINK AGAIN. It is best to be happy, not bitchy. Best to have self esteem and not to fight or degrade each other. It is not best for force yourself to stay married for the sake of the children. They learn how to love from you. If you stay in a loveless bitchy, backstabbing, loveless, lustless marriage, well that’s for you and your own insecurities and not about your children being happy. If you don’t like him ladies, leave him and STOP bitching about him in the cafe to your relatives, girlfriend and especially your children. ~ Reverend Crystal Cox

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Dark is GONE, Trust that. The Light is here, Let it Shine

Let GO of your Intention and Give it to Heaven the Global Reset is near. Have Faith.
I don't know ANY family, including all sides of my own, that does not have molestation in it, sexual childhood trauma in it. The issues faced as adults, self worth, shame, guilty, and many other constant anxieties often consume daily reality. Memories and trauma are stored in our muscles, our legs, our pelvis, our stomach, our solar plexus, and affect everything in our lives. ~ We must STOP inviting the known child molesters to our dinners, our lives. We must pay attention to our gut feeling and motives. We must LISTEN to our children and actually pay attention to who they are and what they are up to. We must STOP ignoring the issue that adults are raping children, and they are in our family, our community, our lives. We MUST stop condoning it. STOP with the silent approval. STOP the conspiracy of silence that protects the Abuser and Shames the victim. We must give children the power to say NO to adults, to not "have to" hug relatives or others they are uncomfortable and the ability to know their instincts, trust them and the power and permission to act on them. Make a STAND. Make a Pact with other friends, community and family. TELL on the Molesters. Believe the Victims. Stand up for Truth. And Expose Lies. And please STOP inviting the rapist uncles to holiday dinners.  ~ Reverend Crystal Cox
Mothers; Listen
or Don't
Either Way these things happen,
your child knows them, and
needs tools to defend themselves
and live a happy, joyful, safe,peaceful

Just because you don't feel
your child "should" know
something at a certain age,
does not mean they don't know.

and they need Tools
to process this knowledge that
parents deny the have.

They need Angels, Prayer,
Spiritual Guidance and the
Power to Trust their intuition
and the Power to
say NO To Adults.

They need to know they matter,
they have worth, and how to ask for help,
even if their parents are not listening to them,
not paying attention to who they are around
or really know what is going on in the child's life.

With Spiritual Tools, the child can get HELP,
and bring in others to help, even when they cannot
talk to their parents, are not heard by parents,
or their parents are unable to recognize the signs.

With Spiritual Tools, a child can get comfort, friendship
and have protection. We are in a Free Will zone
here on Mother Earth and even children must
ask for help. If parents deny them this right,
they essentially leave them alone.

So many Mothers simply seem to think
that bad things can't happen to their child,
and they don't give them the tools and power
ahead of time or even pay attention to
what they are really doing when out of their site.

Give your Child Spiritual Tools.
It does not matter your denomination,
it matters that your child has a spiritual
connection with a higher power, PERIOD.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox