Friday, December 4, 2015

I don't know ANY family, including all sides of my own, that does not have molestation in it, sexual childhood trauma in it. The issues faced as adults, self worth, shame, guilty, and many other constant anxieties often consume daily reality. Memories and trauma are stored in our muscles, our legs, our pelvis, our stomach, our solar plexus, and affect everything in our lives. ~ We must STOP inviting the known child molesters to our dinners, our lives. We must pay attention to our gut feeling and motives. We must LISTEN to our children and actually pay attention to who they are and what they are up to. We must STOP ignoring the issue that adults are raping children, and they are in our family, our community, our lives. We MUST stop condoning it. STOP with the silent approval. STOP the conspiracy of silence that protects the Abuser and Shames the victim. We must give children the power to say NO to adults, to not "have to" hug relatives or others they are uncomfortable and the ability to know their instincts, trust them and the power and permission to act on them. Make a STAND. Make a Pact with other friends, community and family. TELL on the Molesters. Believe the Victims. Stand up for Truth. And Expose Lies. And please STOP inviting the rapist uncles to holiday dinners.  ~ Reverend Crystal Cox

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