Monday, June 27, 2016

Welcome to 5D. Be as if it is and you shall see it all! "I AM A 5D BEING!"

"A new day has now dawned across the earth inside the hearts of the first wave beings of light. 

Together we held enough light in our bodies to reach a 5D awareness level and absorbed back in all the energy of the super photon wave we sent out for this grand purpose.

Today is the first day of the New Earth perception for 2.3 billion souls in over 1/2 million years. If one continues to look at 3D from a 3D vibration you will see nothing different.

Now look through the ancient eyes that see from a higher perspective. Be as the great silent observer and look close. You will see it and sense it in every way if you are still to see it!

Have you got the hang of 5D way of being yet? Of course not! No one has. This is why the first wave has six month linear time perception to integrate and get used to this new much faster frequency.

After this they will bring the 2nd wave up to meet them.

The Schumann Resonance of Gaia and the entire Cosmos is now in the Ninth dimension which has astounded both the science and spiritual community!

It did all happen exactly as it was foretold at the grand 2015 Tetrad by many great seers, masters and our advanced brothers of science.

What will show itself to you now is greater than what any prophet saw. We breached the event horizon coming from the galactic core and we are now here in this super high frequency of gamma photon light that instantaneously evolves DNA to a higher life-form!

In the twinkling of an eye all things were fulfilled and all that will been done is already done. It is finished!

All you must do now is walk gently into this great kingdom of beauty, love, freedom and peace! to walk in simply means to become aware of the higher vibration of now here!

We say, for the next six months you will fully integrate and adapt to the new 5D way of being.

The simplest teaching we can bring to you about this is, "know that you are already in the 5D vibration and what is internal by universal law becomes the perceived holographic matrix reality for the physical container".

This knowing that you are now here is the raising of your consciousness we have spoken of to the faster, vibration. Unconsciousness or un-awareness simply means, not knowing.

Yes, know it is so! 

Be as if it is and you shall see it all! 

Live your life from this higher perspective in all ways.

Be impeccable in all you do.

Discipline and govern yourself accordingly to the 5D way of being.

Be in this, be this. You are this!

The extremely high energy level is here and sustained for you now thanks to the great key-holders who who are the highest loves on the Earth.

All you must do is just start aligning yourself with the new lighter and nicer vibration.

You are the programmer and operator of your light body ship so change so be aware of what you think, feel, say, or do!

Approach all of these things from the 5D perspective and this will align you must faster to the New Earth and then it will be perceived!

When you start to see it you will be astounded!

At first you will not believe what is transpiring but in all this is the knowing we speak of!

What was done is done inside each of us and will now manifest outwardly onto the earth quickly as the universe does it magic.

The super gamma wave intensity stopped rising today and will level off for a time now so you can catch your breath!

Did 2.3 billion souls resonate with the 21 hertz frequency at Tetrad 9282015? Absolutely!

Did our 5th strand of DNA plug in to the 5th chakra? Absolutely and right on schedule!

Do you have to allow it all to integrate?

Yes and it will take 6 months of regular sleeping to fully integrate this super cosmic gamma light wave at the atomic level of the body and for it to adapt the physical body to the 5D level.

When you sleep your DNA plugs itself back into the corresponding chakra and you are a completely new evolved version of you.

it is important to note as we have said that every nano second of each now moment you are in a completely different universe and reality!

You have complete control over what that frame of now moment looks like and how it behaves!

This will be part of the work you will do over the coming months, to be the master creator God that you are!

This whole morphing process is performed from the inside out so just believe in what we already know, it is truly finished, just align with it!

After this six month gamma integration period, the second wavers will come up to 21hertz to meet you fully in love and it is your duty and next mission phase to lift them all up by sharing the light you now hold!

After the last wave reaches 5D at summer 2016, we will rebuild the entire physical matrix. All the cities of the earth will be re-built to be life-sustainable.

There is incredible abundance awaiting you and hidden technologies that can do amazing things will now be given to the people.

You will not need anyone to govern or lead you at this point as you are your own authority!

We will standby as the high council and earth alliance known as the galactic federation to assist in every way as humanity makes their first major leap in spiritual evolution.

We commend you all and honor your for your divine work. 

Everyday we encourage you to speak the truth over yourself which is, "I AM A 5D BEING!"

Enjoy The New 5D Earth!

Great tidings and good will to all the children of Gaia! We honor you!

~ Archangel Michael ~


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Goddess Bless YOU Reverend Goddess Charmaine. You are Unshackling All Women and the Divine Feminine in all things.

Today a walking Prayer, a Call for Help on Deep "Issues" and "Pain"

I looked in the mirror as I left out for my walk to get coffee. I did not like the way I looked, my stomach bothered me, the way my boobs lay bothered me. I felt so uncomfortable walking around in the body that was me. I know so much of a higher vibration on all this. I know self love, however, my DNA, my Consciousness holds Shame, Guilt, Judgement and Cruelty and thought I release and release and release.

Yet it still rises, that think I am fat, judging my ass, my stomach, my sagging breasts, my face changes, my chin, my HOLY Body in Judgement By Me. I know better, I love MY BODY. I practice self talk and self love every day. Yet I walked along feeling so uncomfortable in this body, this way and I prayed. I Prayed to be stronger in this area, to be able to release this trauma, this self shaming that was NOT Mine. I prayed to not compare my body to others, and I prayed to release all those voices in me that hated my Holy Sacred Body.

It is NOT mine, I do not Consent to It. I remove all Spiritual Contracts associated with it and there it is hanging on in my own inner voice as I look at me, my divine me.

I sat down at my favorite coffee shop and the first thing that popped up on Facebook was a Video of
Reverend Goddess Charmaine, the Sensual Mystic. She is a big beautiful black GODDESS. She is dancing NAKED and she is Giving a Healing on Body Shaming on RELEASE of this Pain, this Wound and Trauma that is NOT mine but I have not yet released from the corridors of my sacred body, my consciousness and my human experience.

She REMINDS Me, Heals Me, as she Speaks Of the Following and Lot's More..

Body Spirit Consciousness, Releasing Pain and Fear For all Women.

Bring Your spiritual Consciousness fully into your Body.

Remove Other People's Fear about Your Body.

You Matter the Planet Needs You.

Let's Get Some Negativity Removed Today.

Our Body Spirit Consciousness is Energy that Extends.
It helps us to be in alignment of your Divine Birthright.

Respect Each Other, Honor the Beloved.
The Beloved is Us.

Your Relationship with yourself is your Primary Relationship.

Start With Honoring your Holy Body

Remove, Review and Release.

Honor Yourself. Love Yourself. Remove what no longer SERVES YOU.

Holy Body Power from your Pussy to your Heart.



Yes She is Naked. Dancing Naked. She is an Answer to Prayers everywhere in this healing video. She dances naked and she tells it like it is, then she sits down NAKED and Heal's ALL Women in One Swoop. Ya she is naked Listen and Heal if you have ever body shamed or have any issues with your own body or appearance. Watch HER and Heal You.

FUCK IT......And Honor Your Holy Body!! from Rev. Goddess Charmaine on Vimeo.

I watched you Dancing Naked right there for the World to See and I Cried, I burst forth my own shame and pain over the way I am so critical of my own body, my fat, my large thighs and my pit marked legs and stomach. And there you are beautiful, courageous, free in your divine perfect body.


Reverend Goddess Charmaine,
The Sensuous Mystic

Thank You I had just prayed for clearing on my body shaming and being critical of my own body. I prayed for the mind chatter about how I look to STOP.  And there was your Video. Your Healing to US.

This Body Consciousness Video is a Courageous Beautiful Healing by Reverend Goddess Charmaine of Books By Rev. Goddess Charmaine, the Sensual Mystic, Here is her Facebook Page

Thank You Reverend Goddess Charmaine <takes bow>
You are So Beautiful, Strong and Courageous.

I Love myself. I Honor Myself. I RISE Above Criticism and Negative thoughts about me. I release the Critical Parent spirit in my own body consciousness.  I step into my Holy Body Path.
I Love Myself and Honor Myself.  I release implanted negativity from those I thought I could Trust. I release implanted fears.  I Dissolve what other people think of me and my body.  I honor my Body and I honor Mother Earth.


~  Reverend Crystal Cox

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dealing With Psychological Burden of Knowing Things Our Culture Doesn’t Want us to Know

Full Disclosure and Ascension: The War Has Gone Hot! (Part II) lot's of info


"Secret: Who is the author of the Voynich manuscript?
No one can read the file from the 15th century, and each believe they are compiled by alchemists, others that the work of the prophets whom God dictated the future, while a third believe that its authors actually visitors from outer space.
Voynich manuscript writing in the 15th century, was rediscovered in 1912, is certainly the most mysterious book in history. Language which was written no one ever managed to decipher, his drawings are confusing, and not the most scientific efforts to learn more about him were unsuccessful.
So it is no surprise that the existence of such a book inspired incredible theories – from being the work of a secret brotherhood of the alchemists, or the prophets, and to the fact that it was written by an alien.
voynich manuscript
Voynich manuscript was created between 1404 and 1438. This is what the scientists were able to conclude that carbon dating using C 14. And it is, in fact, the only thing you really know about the manuscript.
In addition to books, and their unusual destiny. Although it was created in the 15th century, the first information about it are two centuries old. In a letter from 1666 states that belonged to the Emperor Rudolf II (1552-1612), who gave for it 600 gold pieces, or 2.07 kilograms of gold. The next owner was an alchemist Georg Bareš from Prague. After his death, the manuscript was changed several owners, until finally he reached the Atanasius Kircher, who is claimed to have deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics. The book is now gone, and once again it was discovered Wilfried Vojnić 1912. It is now at Yale University, and scientists do not cease to be tested.
Some of the theories about the origin of languages and alphabets are:
A fictional language
As Esperanto. If there really is such a language has shared the fate of Esperanto – no one knows. Although it is unlikely that I would not stay still some trace of this unknown language.
voynich manuscript
Encrypted manuscript
In addition to historian and bibliophile, Voynich handwriting dealt with and cryptographers, and to the best – those who managed to break all the enemy codes in the two world wars. However, they did not succeed. The only thing I have found, thanks to repetition in the text, is that the system that is used in the book has all the characteristics of a real language, but were unable to conclude any. Code no one has managed to break into.
Coded manuscript
According to this theory, the whole words (not letters) in the manuscript are codes that are “translated” by special “vocabulary”. Considering how many words are there in this manuscript, Dictionary would have to be just right so much the same.
One of the earliest proposals for solving mysteries was that the words do not mean anything, but are themselves made up of letters very small letters that are visible under huge magnification. How is any of this had to be done in the Middle Ages, remains unknown. (Although there are records in mikro letter from the 9th century, but it was not nearly such a fine, such as the theory suggests)
The correct language
The real language, written in strange Oriental alphabet. It is not quite historically impossible because some details (the division at 360 degrees rather than 365 days, the lack of numbers, repeat “consonants”) indicate that the author would not be from the east, visiting Europe.
voynich manuscript
The occurrence of an internal (or divine) instinct, instincts whoever says or writes that throws heaps of meaningless syllables or words. However, the question is whether the funds received for a book of this size.
Ancient Egyptians
The first theory of Voynich manuscript originated in the 17th century. Alchemist bares believed that the author was someone who knew all the secrets of ancient Egyptian medical. In the 20th century theories were somewhat different, but the Voynich concluded that only Roger Bacon, English monk of the 13th century, the philosopher and one of the first serious scientists, could be its author. In this theory believe that many, but there were skeptics, who are accused of antiques that I wrote the book. As they argued, had enough knowledge to make a convincing forgery that would bring him fame and money. Of course, both theory fell into the water when scientists at the University of Arizona, 2009. Book subjected to testing using radioactive carbon. Then, without a doubt, it was found that it was created at the beginning of the 15th century.
voynich manuscript
Experiments on humans
That is Voynich manuscript remained a mystery despite the development of scientific methods, has led to the emergence of two more attractive theory – that a book written by members of a secret brotherhood alchemist and it hide all your secrets and that the log file of one or more aliens who visited Earth in the middle Ages. The proof of the first parts of the structure which are considered herbarium or recipes, but many scientists believe that it is not impossible. As far as the other theories, as proof that the correct individual researchers state that shows the plant does not exist on Earth, which are drawings of constellations and stars pretty accurate for the 15th century, as well as to the drawings of naked women presented in tubs and capsules associated pipes and cables. That, analysts say, it shows that experiments on these women in one of the spaceships.
Four years ago, appeared Another theory about Voynich manuscript. The Finnish businessman Waco Latvala goes with the statement that was able to read the text, but not by using cryptographic methods, but thanks to divine intervention. Apparently it comes to prophecy …
Content: The manuscript is divided into sections and illustrations;
As no one was able to read the handwriting Voynich, observing the illustration on page 200 (a few of them is lost) it was concluded that the book has six parts. In the first, called “Herbarium” on every page is a drawing of some unknown plants and a few sentences of text. The second part, “astronomy” has diagrams and drawings of the sun, moon and stars, as well as different constellations. With illustrations of 12 constellations drawn after 30 naked women, each holding a one star.
“Biological”, the third part of the manuscript, containing drawings of naked women, some of which have the crown and swim in the pool, while the “cosmological” are obscure diagrams and maps of unknown islands connected pipes. The “pharmaceutical” are drawings of unknown plants and parts of something like the pharmaceutical containers.
The last part of the secret manuscript is called “recipes” and consists only of text with a drawing of a star in the left margin of each paragraph.
voynich manuscript
Steven Baks: I found 10 WORDS
Professor of Linguistics University in England Bedfordshire Steven Baks last year came out with a statement that deciphering the letters 14 and even 10 words from Vojničevog manuscript.
– I followed the illustrations of plants and constellations, and I realized how to write their names. These are the words of coriander, juniper and hellebore, and the constellation of Taurus – said Baks.
Skeptics: A prankster WORK OR CRAZY MAN

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Great Lie and The New Reality: UFOs, Aliens, Indigos, Star Seeds, and DNA Activation

Quantum DNA Activation & Attunement

"Sharing with you Article 4, the final Article within my 4 Part Series of Articles on ancient wisdom to support your conscious connection with Wave X / The Wave of LOVE, including the
Article 1 – Awakening your Pineal Gland  Read Now >
Article 2 – Primordial Cells – Powerhouse of Qi Read Now >
Article 3 – Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells Pathway Read Now >
Article 4 – Quantum DNA Activation & Attunement – See Below

Article 4 – Quantum DNA Activation & Attunement

What is DNA ?

DNA resides within the nucleus of every cell in the body – and there are approximately 100 trillion cells within the body. DNA is responsible for directing cellular function and is a genetic blueprint that encodes skin, eye and hair colour, height, blood type and fingerprints. It also carries our ancestral and cultural imprints including disease traits.

The ‘old’ scientific view of our DNA

‘The Human Genome Project’, an international scientific research project established in 1990 set out to map the human genome.  By 2003, the entire Human Genome had been decoded.
It was found that human DNA encodes for approximately 30,000 genes and that humans use less than 5% of their DNA.  The remaining 95% of DNA is referred to as ‘junk DNA’ and is believed to have no function within the human body as it is a redundant leftover of our evolution.
The Human Genome Project thus fully mapped the 5% of our functioning DNA (Codons / Genes) to understand how this genetic coding controls functions, behavior and development of the human body.
This 5% of functioning DNA was found to CONTROL the function of humans, and hence DNA was deemed the brain of the cell.

The ‘awakened’ scientific view of our DNA

Whilst western science was focused on The Human Genome Project, a Russian research team headed by Dr Pjotr Garjajev and comprising of molecular biologists, physicists, embryologists and linguistic experts also commenced investigations in 1990.
Their research uncovered that the 95% junk DNA was in actual fact a highly intelligent combination of Codon sequences that spoke a ‘language’.  This biological language not only explained the origins of human language but was also a text that could be altered.  That is, DNA is reprogrammable and DNA codon sequences can be inter-changed and activated.
Cellular Biologist Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belief, 2005), is one of thousands of scientists that are re-writing the old science regarding our knowledge of the functioning of our DNA.  Bruce Lipton’s years of research uncovered that the DNA within the nucleus of every cell is simply a response unit to the environment.  Receptors on cell membranes (the walls of cells) ‘read’ the messages from the environment and ‘tell’ the DNA how to respond accordingly.
Thus it is the ‘environment’ that either inhibits or promotes the functioning of DNA, and it is the environment that has the capacity to reprogram / activate the non-functioning DNA.
The environment is considered to be a combination of:
  • Food / Water / Nutrients that we consume;
  • Sound, Colour, all frequencies that our body’s are bathed in;
  • Cosmic energetic forces (planetary, solar, radiation, electromagnetic etc..);
  • Speech, thoughts, emotions, feelings etc;
  • Auric Field – as a direct mirror image of our Soul Star expression
  • Nature – Earth’s Crystalline Field, devic energies, vibrational essences etc.

Our Ancient Ancestors… wisdom for the future

The wisdoms of our ancient ancestors provide a much more detailed picture of the structure of our DNA, both physical and energetic.
This wisdom is held deep within the Crystalline Grid of Gaia (the Akashic Earth Records) and is a rich history of information from all life forms that have walked the Earth, as well as the higher dimensional wisdoms of the Pleiades, Sirius and the Galactic Centre.  These light-records of creation are also accessible via the ancient OmAhOm Symbol of life.
The Akashic light records unveil that our ancient ancestors were fully versed in the different levels of DNA –  the 13 levels of consciousness of our DNA.
The first two levels, relate to the 2 strands of physical DNA creating the double helix.
The next 11 levels relate to the 11 Energetic Bodies (auric levels) that surround the DNA.
The Diagram below, as studied during our Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner & Teachers Courses, shows our double helix (2 strands) of DNA as well as the 11 Energetic Bodies that surround each DNA Helix – representing our 13 levels of DNA consciousness through Metatron’s Cube (also referred to as our 11:11 Genetic Code).

Whilst each of the 11 energetic bodies of our DNA appear to be separate layers built on top of each other (a little like Russian Babushka dolls), in actual fact each outer layer contains all layers directly beneath it.
There are many people on Earth that refer to this DNA configuration as 12 stranded DNA  (Physical DNA + 11 additional strands).  This appearance of 12 strands may result as a holographic phenomenon when viewing the energetic bodies of DNA remotely.
However, Crystal Light Healing® remains true to the teachings of our ancient ancestors, thus the structure of our DNA is the physical DNA double helix + the 11 energetic bodies, creating 13 levels of consciousness held within our DNA.
Our ancient ancestors consciously worked with the 2 physical strands of DNA + the 11 energetic bodies of DNA (thus the 13 levels of DNA consciousness) in order to activate aspects of their DNA that in today’s terms are referred to as ‘junk DNA’.
Each energetic body of the DNA relates to one or more junk ‘codons’ on the DNA –  referred to as DNA Light Codes. Just like our ancient ancestors, we have the same potential to turn ‘on’ our Light Codes and awaken those aspects of our DNA that are ‘asleep’.

Benefits of Activating & Attuning your DNA

Activating and Attuning our DNA Light Codes to their highest frequency, means that we are using higher and higher percentages of our DNA.
Rather than being a victim of circumstance, or having a DNA expression that is the result of living in an environment based on a paradigm of fear, we have the potential to stand outside of the box and express our DNA to its highest potential.
As all 64 DNA Light Codes are ACTIVATED and then ATTUNED over time, we begin to experience changes within our physical, emotional/mental and spiritual ways of beingness.
Physical Benefits – Activation of DNA
  • Improved Cellular Metabolism, increase vitality & energy
  • Natural fat/muscle balance
  • Appetite for more healthful foods – raw, organic, wholefoods, seasonal, local
  • Desire to cleanse your body with vital water
  • Decrease desire for over-consumption and heavy sluggish foods
  • Detoxification, glowing skin
  • Improve digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients
  • Increase hair growth, nails and eyesight improves (multi-dimensional sight)

Emotional/Mental Benefits – Activation of DNA
  • Improve memory, mental clarity, primarily for ancient wisdom (not stuff !!!)
  • Self-Love, appreciation, compassion & gratitude
  • Decrease anxiety, stress
  • Transcend negative self-talk, embrace authentic speech (self & others)
  • Release struggle, resistance and impatience
  • Improve dream recall, and use of dreams for guidance & clarity
  • Release of old issues and ‘triggers’ as old cellular memories are transcended
  • Feel LOVED, sense of wellbeing, purpose, security, ONENESS
  • Belief in Self, you matter, you KNOW you can be the change.

Spiritual Benefits – Activation of DNA
  • Live LIFE from a higher wisdom, a universal truth, from a place of LOVE
  • Transcendence from the material, living life from the spiritual
  • Understanding & Inner-knowing of Universal Laws
  • Living LIFE through these Universal Laws as a natural stage of BEINGNESS
  • Knowing & Being your Soul Purpose for your evolution & the greater good of ALL
  • Awaken & develop your gifts – Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairsentience etc..
  • Embrace the full multi-dimensional spectrum of our Galaxy / Universe… the only limits you have in living in a physical body are the limits you place on yourself.
  • Re-remembering on a deep and profound level

How to Activate DNA through the 13 Levels of DNA Consciousnesss

There are many ways to consciously work with the highly intelligent biologic language of our DNA and ‘wake up’ the 95% ‘junk dna’.
Our ancient ancestors of Lemuria & Atlantis developed a highly evolved healing system that worked with a Souls 13 Chakra Energy System in order to Activate & Attune DNA.
Activation involved ‘turning on’ of non-active DNA, whilst Attunement referred to resonating the DNA up to its highest level of resonance.  As an analogy,  ‘Activation’ could be akin to the turning on of light switches and ‘Attunement’ the process of raising the hertz vibrational frequency of turned on switches by turning up the brightness on the dimmer switch.. albeit an infinite dimmer switch – meaning there is no highest level of Attunement or resonant frequency to reach, Attunement is infinite.
Activation of DNA was made possible by weaving certain frequencies within the environment through one or more of a persons 13 Chakras.   These frequencies included crystalline vibrations, sound, colour, musical notes, ancient sound codes/tones, sacred geometry and energetics of the elementals.  The weaving involved ‘fibonnacci spiralling’ the above frequencies into individual Chakra’s such that each chakra spiralled with the spiral of the Galaxy and embraced the highest resonant frequency of divine template from which it is manifest into form.
These resonant frequencies through the Galactic Spiral would then bath every cell of the body in a cosmic soup of pure potentiality (the environment of the DNA was altered) and thus stimulate the Activation of junk DNA ie the highly intelligent biological language of the DNA.
Attunement was then made possible through the Cosmic Breath or Galactic Heart Breathing… raising a persons vibration such that the Heart beats, breaths and pulses in alignment with the ONE BREATH, the ONE PULSE the ONE HEARTBEAT of the LOVE of SOURCE.
During my Global DNA Activation & Attunement Healing Session Video (in which I facilitated a full Activation & Attunement of 64 DNA Light Codes), each of the 12 Activations & 13th Attunement Step (as per the table below) was facilitated via a Chakra.
During the Video I wove into each Energy Centre SOUND, COLOUR, ANCIENT SOUND CODES (through a musical note), SACRED GEOMETRY, ELEMENTAL ENERGY as well as the TEMPLATE for the respective ARCHANGEL OF CREATION (Essence of Angels®).
All the above frequencies were synergistically blended together via the Wave of LOVE Ancient affirmational words to catalyse the DNA Light Code Activation and then final Attunement.
With the Pineal Gland-Primordial Cell Communication Pathway activated (refer to Article 3) , this TURNING ON of DNA (via each Chakra Energy Centre) would firstly take place within the Primordial cells and then entrain EVERY CELL within the body."


Saturday, June 18, 2016

The body of light is a spiritual term for the non-physical body associated with enlightenment.

"Temple of Living Light ★

The body of light is a spiritual term for the non-physical body associated with enlightenment. It is known by many names in different spiritual traditions, such as “the resurrection body” and “the glorified body” in Christianity, “the most sacred body” (wujud al-aqdas) and “supracelestial body” (jism asli haqiqi) in Sufism, “the diamond body” in Taoism and Vajrayana, “the light body” or “rainbow body” in Tibetan Buddhism, “the body of bliss” in Kriya Yoga, and “the immortal body” (soma athanaton) in Hermeticism.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, it is called “the resurrection body ” and “the glorified body.” The prophet Isaiah said, “The dead shall live, their bodies shall rise” (Isa. 26:19). St. Paul called it “the celestial body” or “spiritual body ” (soma pneumatikon) (I Corinthians 15:40)."

Dear I Love Hitting My Child Advocates who wish only for more discipline in the world.

As an adult child, of 46 now, who was spanked plenty, the ol' kindlin' stick for toys left out or dirty dishes or even going past a chair the wrong way. I have to say to you parents who love and value spanking and those who feel the world would be a better place if only there was more spanking that as an adult spanked I want you to know it is exactly the opposite of what you spout as truth.

I do not respect one person that spanked me. I do not respect one value they spanked me for and in fact the opposite. I left those who spanked me as soon as possible, at 16, never looked back, never liked them nor respected them nor anything they ever said to me.

The world is messed up in the ways described by the spanking advocates NOT because they did not get spanked, beaten, whipped by their parents but because they did.

So if you insist that spanking your sassin' child who is not behaving the way you think they should, try putting the THUG belt down and using intelligent words, take a walk, take a knee, talk to them so they understand the value, and if you beat them for that value or behavior they had, they will act like they respect you and do as you please around you, but that is FEAR not RESPECT.

They are not believing your way, or even learned anything. They only learn you personally don't like that action they like, they don't know why and they FEAR doing that action around you.  And can't wait to get away from YOU.

You put GUILT, Fear, and Shame into them and DO not make them a Better Person and spanking never EVER teaches respect it only teaches FEAR which you think is respect because they are silent or pretend to not want to do that action again.

FEAR is NOT Respect.

Ya I was SPANKED, and Ya FUCK you if you SPANKED me for being me and never explaining or reasoning to me what it was all about and helping me to think it through, but just spanking me.

Help me put the left out toy away, show me, play with me, walk with me, TALK, pray, think with me. If you hit me FUCK YOU, I hope you Die a Cruel Death and will get away from you as SOON as Possible. I know that doesn't sound loving but that is the way I felt then, NOW I give myself full permission to not have those people in my life nor to be around people with those kinds of beliefs and values.

STOP Hitting. Grow a Brain, Get some Compassion, Spend more time with them, teach them talk to them and if you have to behave in low vibration, low frequency VIOLENCE and Fear Based lessons, PLEASE stay out of my Life. I Choose to NOT have YOU in my LIFE and to Vibrate Higher.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Fake Memory and Altered Time that Suppressed the Goddess, Suppressed the Feminine Divine, has Been Removed. Memory is Awakening, Truth is Revealing. And there is More on it's Way.

"Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, when a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of the most expensive ointment, and poured it on his head as he was at table. When they saw this, the disciples were indignant. “Why this waste?” they said. “This could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” Jesus noticed this. “Why are you upsetting the woman?” he said to them.... “When she poured this ointment on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. I tell you solemnly, wherever in all the world this Good News is proclaimed, what she has done will be told also, in remembrance of her.”

"in truth, the confusion starts with the Gospels themselves.

In the gospels several women come into the story of Jesus with great energy, including erotic energy. There are several Marys—not least, of course, Mary the mother of Jesus. But there is Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus. There is Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and Mary the wife of Clopas. Equally important, there are three unnamed women who are expressly identified as sexual sinners—the woman with a “bad name” who wipes Jesus’ feet with ointment as a signal of repentance, a Samaritan woman whom Jesus meets at a well and an adulteress whom Pharisees haul before Jesus to see if he will condemn her. The first thing to do in unraveling the tapestry of Mary Magdalene is to tease out the threads that properly belong to these other women. Some of these threads are themselves quite knotted.

It will help to remember how the story that includes them all came to be written. The four Gospels are not eyewitness accounts. They were written 35 to 65 years after Jesus’ death, a jelling of separate oral traditions that had taken form in dispersed Christian communities. Jesus died in about the year a.d. 30. The Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke date to about 65 to 85, and have sources and themes in common.

The Gospel of John was composed around 90 to 95 and is distinct. So when we read about Mary Magdalene in each of the Gospels, as when we read about Jesus, what we are getting is not history but memory—memory shaped by time, by shades of emphasis and by efforts to make distinctive theological points. And already, even in that early period—as is evident when the varied accounts are measured against each other—the memory is blurred."

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The Fake Memory and Altered Time that Suppressed the Goddess, Suppressed the Feminine Divine, has Been Removed. Memory is Awakening, Truth is Revealing. Our DNA is upgrading and with that Memories are Returning. We are ascending, moving toward Paradise per say, toward a high vibration Earth. Pure Love, Pure Light, Pure Co-Creation with out the Dark Cabal, the Dark Catholic Church suppression of past. We are FREE. Humans are Free. Memory is Awakening. The Goddess is rising. Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine on Par, as intended.

AND This is JUST the Beginning of the Rise of the Divine Feminine in ALL THINGS.

The TRUTH has Risen. Women Now Recognized as the First Evangelizers

So many years of study on the TRUTH of Mary Magdalene, the Lost Goddess in History. And not the TRUTH is unveiled and the Goddess has Risen. The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine on PAR as was always intended. No more Patriarch Society and Dark Secrets.  Equality has RISEN.

"Pope Francis has elevated Mary Magdalene’s saint’s day to a “major feast,” putting her on the same level liturgically as Christ’s apostles.  The pope wants Christians to consider Mary, who first told the apostles about Christ’s resurrection, as “a paradigm of the ministry of women in the church.”

"At Pope Francis’s request, the annual observance on the Catholic calendar of St. Mary Magdalene, referred by some as the “repentant sinner” or “the prostitute,” and also the one who first witnessed and proclaimed Jesus’ resurrection, has been made a major feast marking women as the first evangelizers."

Source and More
We have Just Witnessed Woman Being Freed All across the Land.

The CHURCH has been made to release the shackles of the Divine Feminine, this is HUGE. I am so joyful to finally witness this TRUTH widely known now, and spoken in such a Way.

We have Ascended and the Goddess, the Feminine Divine is now equal to the Masculine Divine. Mary was the first to witness, I have studied that my whole life, and yet she was never given that status by the controlling powers. Now she has. The Jesus and the Lost Goddess Book and lot's of other Jesus Mysteries studies talked of this, whereby Mary was the first Apostle, the first to witness, yet her power and voice essentially taken by the Patriarch Church. Now the Feminine has Risen once again. Goddess Bless You All.
"“She is the witness to the risen Christ and announces the message of the Lord’s resurrection just like the rest of the Apostles,” he said, explaining that for this reason “it is right that the liturgical celebration of this woman should have the same rank of Feast as that given to the celebration of the Apostles in the General Roman Calendar.”

"Calling Mary Magdalene “an example and model for all women in the Church,” the archbishop said she had a special mission, to which the new rank of feast does justice. The decree, dated June 3 and published in Latin, was signed by both Archbishop Roche and the congregation’s president, Cardinal Robert Sarah. It says Mary Magdalene can be seen as “the paradigm of the ministry of women in the Church.”

"St. Mary Magdalene, the archbishop said, “announces to the apostles what in turn they will announce to the whole world.”