LOVE is the Master Key
We are Awake. We Awaken other's with LOVE.
We Awaken other's Simply by Being Awake.
We do not have to preach to them, seek them, inform them, force our way into their belief system to change it. We simply have to live our LIGHT. To enjoy being awake and to emit that Love Frequency. They will feel it when they are ready, it will be there for them.
We meet them where they are with Love. We ask nothing of them. We Love, We Move on.
We no longer linger in their doubt, in their fear, or in their pain and suffering. We simply remain true to ourselves, listen within, discern for our self and our own life, life the life we want, have fun, allow joy and we don't judge those who cannot do such as of yet. We simply Love them right there in the belief system they perceive as their reality and we move on.
We don't linger in their doubt and fear. We Love and MOVE on.
We don't try and change them, talk them into our way, push information, thoughts or beliefs they are not ready for. We let them come to us if they want or are ready. We move on and do not linger in their version of reality nor judge them for being there.
We LOVE and then we move on to our Joyous Happy place, to the reality we CHOOSE to experience, to live, to BE in. We trust that they will follow when they are ready. We trust that if they never are, that is nothing to do with us and our choices. Our Free Will is ours and is not to push them nor to judge them for there Free Will choices.
We do not STOP and linger in their fear, their doubt, their version of money, medicine, healing, church, religion, God, Goddess, good, bad, food, politics, stress, energy, sexuality, perversions, addictions, or any low vibration perceptions of reality, nor any version of reality that does not align with our total knowing.
If we were to do this we would create more of that in our own reality. And we would enable, strengthen, and empower their version of reality, not only in them but in the co-creation of us.
If they don't align with you, LOVE then move on. Do this without the need to justify who you are or why you know what you know, feel what you feel or choose what you choose.
Do not sit down with them in their home behind the Veil. LOVE them and keep walking.
Do not yell at them, hate them, ridicule or judge them, abuse them with the power of your words, even if you perceive them judging you or all that you hold as your own sacred perception and reality. That is old energy and low vibration. LOVE them and move away from them strong, firm, confident.
We Love and we walk out of Judgement, away from those who judge and not with hate but with firm, calm, centered, certain LOVE.
We close the door and do not reside in their fear, their version of life, their chosen experience, their pain or grief, their guilt or shame.
We LOVE and we move through the door to the life we do want. We do not dwell in their presence, nor linger in their home, their heart, their voice or their verbal story. We do not Judge them for their choice, we honor our own choice and choose to walk on, right past their Veil and into the reality we FIRMLY choose.
Whatever their religion or belief, whatever their lifestyle or choices, we sit down with them where they are. We emit love, and we move on. We do not judge, even when they are judging us. WE Love.
LOVE is the KEY.
Love is the ANSWER to all lingering questions.
Love does not say STAY in lower frequencies, lower vibrations and give all your time, energy, and power to push others to believe, perceive or choose as you do or have.
We don't raise the frequency of judgement, hate, war, loss, pain, guilt, shame, sadness, loneliness, grief, rage, anger by judging those who judge us or by judging the way other's feel they must live or serve their chosen God or version of the Divine.
Your anger, you judging them for judging you will simply make them stuck in the lower frequency and you will join them. If you emit LOVE and keep walking to your TRUTH, your home, your nest in this reality, and walk your TRUTH, you are the example of the raised frequency, the higher consciousness and you pull all low vibrations with you.
You Emit Love. You Emit Light. You Emit Truth. And you Awaken ALL simply by making it past the markers of control and dark yourself.
We do not get STUCK in their version of us by being angry at how they judge or perceive our life, our love, our Faith, our God, our Goddess, our Diet, our Knowing, our Truth, our Life and Soul Force, or our TRUTH.
It truly is the rubber band effect as many say. The more of us that LOVE, that Awaken, that have the courage and firm certainty to walk our TRUTH, the heavier, the higher frequency one side gets, the higher the vibration gets and in this those not awake or lower vibration are catapulted into the light, the LOVE, the truth with us. AWAKENED.
We raise the frequency, the vibration for ALL by not joining them and sending low vibrations back at their low vibrations.
LOVE them, and walk your TRUTH.
Live your TRUTH.
Find your JOY.
Live Your Passion.
Your LIFE is the high frequency example that will broadcast LIGHT and LOVE. And will Awaken them all. This alone will Raise the Vibration of Mother Earth and her People, Plants, Tribes, Waterways, and Animals. This Alone will Raise the Consciousness of ALL.
~ Reverend Crystal
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