Monday, December 15, 2014

SPIRITUAL STATEMENTS - WHAT I BELIEVE by Reverend Steven Cox - Voice of Golden Eagle for those who seek to explore the realities of Spiritual Experience and their relationship to it.


This document is intended for those who seek to explore the realities of Spiritual Experience and
their relationship to it.  It is a growing testament that continually expands as words struggle to
describe the illuminations contained within.


In the spirit of communicating that which has been shown to me, I offer these writings as an
explanation of certain Spiritual Truths which seem to have been hidden "in plain view" from most
people. I do not present these Truths as items open for debate, this is simply how things look
and feel to my Spirit from where I am sitting.

If certain things you read here sound familiar, it is because these Truths are being reflected all around us if we just use our eyes and ears. I do not pretend to be the creator of these Truths, just an observer who has jotted down a few things.

I realize that I may even be placing my physical self in possible danger by revealing these Truths
in this fashion, for they contain keys that would free mankind from the chains of his brother and,
if followed universally, would make the spiritual herding of people like sheep an impossibility.

There are many in this world who have a vested interest in making sure this never happens.

To quote one of my favorite philosophical comedians:

“The world is like a ride at an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think that
it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and ‘round
and ‘round. It has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud and it's fun,
for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question - is
this real, or is this just a ride?

And other people have remembered, and they come back to us.

They say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride.' And we... Kill those people. Ha ha ha. 'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride. SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and family.

This just has to be real!'

“No, it's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice
that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: it's just a ride. And we can
change it anytime we want. It's only a choice.

No effort, no work, no job, no savings, and money.

A choice, right now, between fear and love. 

The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourselves off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one.

Here's what you can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defense each year, and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, for ever, in peace.”

- Bill Hicks



As the Elders have told us, a blind man can be the best guide through the forest on a moonless
night, but only until the Dawning. 

In a similar manner, a spirit who is enLIGHTened is not in need of additional spiritual guidance from any intermediary, be it a preacher or a static text. That includes this text, of course.

With this understanding, let us move on.


Grandfather (God) is the All That Is. Grandfather Begat the initial forces of the Universe. His will
created the "Original Cause" from which all other effects have sprung.

This initial force brought into life the two balancing polarities of the universe as we know it. A primary duality consisting of Creator and Destroyer.

The true Yin and Yang. All life is a dance between these two poles. Every action in the Universe serves one or both of these ends. There is no escaping it. There is nothing to escape.

For me, there has emerged a central concept upon which all other Spiritual Truths are based:

When Creator made the Universe, what did he use? My supposition is that, if this is TRULY the
"One God" we are discussing, there was nothing else to use but He, Himself. Creator is the
source of ALL things material and spiritual therefore He comprises the totality of all things.

This means that not only is Creator "in" all things, but all sense of separation is an illusion. There is
nothing in this Universe separate from Creator because all things are made of Creator, by
Creator, for Creator. He is the Dust from which all things are formed.

As a way of understanding this “All Is One” concept in terms that we can more easily relate to,
imagine that you have a vivid dream tonight. In this dream we are sitting at a table and we are
talking. My question for you is “which one is me?” The only true answer is that the question has
no meaning. Neither person in that dream is me for everything is you. It is after all your dream!
In a likewise fashion, we are living Creator’s deeper dream.

The mind of any spiritual seeker thinking along these lines eventually comes to the question; but
WHY did Grandfather make the Universe? In the spirit of being created "in God's image" I
ponder the question from my own limited point of view. I ask myself, if I were the Alpha and the
Omega, the beginning and the end and all things in between, WHAT WOULD BE MY BIGGEST
PROBLEM? The answer came to me as if from the core of my heart in the form of one word...
Loneliness. God, in His totality, is alone.



Language is very unsatisfactory for explaining spiritual concepts, but it's the best resource we've
got to reach those lacking direct spiritual experience.

As a wise man once said, "it's like trying to describe an Oak grove to an Eskimo who has never seen a tree." No matter how much you explain, they just won't "get it" because their minds lack the direct experience that makes the words truly have meaning. With these limitations in mind, let's play some word games that "talk around" some otherwise wordless spiritual concepts.

Picture in your mind Creator as a huge multidimensional spirit crystal. An infinite gem with an
infinity of facets that make up the All That Is. Now picture that crystal creating the Universe by
imploding into an infinite number of huge shards, each expressing many facets of the total God
Gem. These "pieces of Creator" fly outward from the Center, until each creates and occupies its
own portion of the material Universe.

Once complete in the creation of their portion of the material Universe, these huge crystal
fragments further subdivide into individual Spirits, each carrying on the business of Creation
within their own smaller spheres.

One becomes you... One becomes me... One becomes a dog, - 3 - another a tree. Each Crystal Spirit is Creator Himself now nestled in the illusion of separateness.

Now able, for the first time, to behold Himself. Now able to play a Universal game of hide and
seek with infinity on the time clock.

The huge crystal that made/makes our portion of the Universe... The Gem from which we all
spring... Is called Jesus by some.

This is the source behind the Spiritual Truth that the only way to find your way back to Creator is through Jesus... There is a piece missing from Jesus that fits your exact spiritual dimensions because it is from whence you came. By melding with the crystal that is your source you again become part of the greater whole. That is your destiny.

Again, this story in no way implies that the nature of God is “crystal”. It is just a way of
describing the wordless in words.


We have been fed many lies in the guise of truth and revelation. All major living religions started
with Great Spiritual Truths but they have had their core tainted and distorted by those who would
manipulate and control us while we are here in the material world. There is a Dark Age upon the
current Spirituality of man, and it is an intentional one.

In place of true Spirituality, we have been given religion. In place of meaningful rituals and rites of passage, we are taught consumer habits and obsessions. In place of Universal Love, we are given fear of an angry and judgmental God.

The central purpose today behind all major religions is to twist the psyche of the believers into
trusting the religion instead of their own hearts.

"But a short time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish religion, before his
principles were departed from by those who professed to be his special servants, and perverted
into an engine for enslaving mankind, and aggrandizing their oppressors in Church and State."
- Thomas Jefferson

“The most preposterous notion that H. sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of
Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures,
can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery. yet
this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the expenses of the oldest,
largest, and least productive industry in all history.”
- Robert Anson Heinlein


As I was raised in a Christian Society (called by some the Buckle of the Bible Belt), exposed to
the teachings of the Episcopal and Southern Baptist denominations.

I have spent the largest portion of my reflections on religion with these early teachings as my guide and reference. Accordingly, I have reached several heartfelt conclusions regarding many core teachings of Fundamentalist Christianity:

● I reject the notion that we are by nature unworthy of God. How can that possibly be when we
are made of God!? Accordingly, I also reject the notion of Original Sin. My heart tells me that
these two concepts are interwoven, created by man in order to insert intermediaries between
each person and his personal Channel to God.

● I reject the notion of God requiring the "sacrifice" of Jesus for our salvation.

Why would God need to sacrifice Himself to Himself in order to change a rule He made Himself? I feel that this is simply a ploy inserted into the scriptures to serve two ends.

(1) It neatly ties up the insertion of the concept of Original Sin, giving the priesthood the power of declaring who is saved and (2) it absolves man of facing perhaps his most troubling aspect, namely that when the Realized Son Of God walked this Earth, men had the audacity to kill Him instead of listening to Him.

As I have stated in the Crystal Spirit Story, I believe that we are all literally a part of Jesus and
that our never ending journey to re-join with the Core of Creator requires that we “re-meld with
Jesus” along the way.

This was true before Jesus visited this place, true while he was here on Earth, and it is just as true today. Nothing in this beautiful Truth requires the blood of anything, especially the Creator Son!

● I reject the notion that Creator requires worship and sacrifice. Grandfather requires no
cheering section of happy toadies with harps, nor does He require the smoke of burnt offerings
to placate some holy blood lust.

On the contrary, Creator has made a very wonderful opportunity for us to join Him in this business of Creation. And join Him we do, with every thought and action, regardless of our personal unawareness of the process. That ignorance is where things often go awry.

"I cannot conceive otherwise than that He, the Infinite Father, expects or requires no worship or
praise from us, but that He is even infinitely above it."
- Benjamin Franklin from "Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion", Nov. 20, 1728

●  I reject the notion that Creator has “Chosen People” and view with contempt the concept of
God backing any particular country over another.

● I reject the notion that “Thou Shalt Not Kill” has any provision for governments to overrule it.
"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been
given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice.

This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despiseable an ignoreable war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."
- Albert Einstein

● I reject the notion that God created us to judge us. 

He created us to experience this place as a point from which to embark on the infinite Universal Adventure of re-joining with Him. He created us for Companionship.

● I reject the notion of specific “Holy Ground.” ALL ground is Holy Ground. In the same vein, I
reject the notion of physical resurrection of the body after death. When you are through with
your physical body, your Spirit transcends it and has no further need for it.

There is no reason to venerate the graves of the departed except when it is a symbolic veneration of their memory. This misunderstanding of the Spirit’s relationship to the physical body has created much unnecessary bloodshed in the name of “protecting Holy Ground.”

● I reject the prophesies of the book of Revelation as the vengeful dreams of a downtrodden
disciple but, at the same time I fear them. My fear springs from the certain knowledge that all it
takes is enough people believing this horrible nightmare to make the Earthly aspects of it come
true. - 5 -

● I reject the notion that “God is only good.” There can be nothing in this Universe that is not of
the Creator and that includes all shades of experience, all possibilities of being.

At the same time I believe in “vibrational states” in the sense that the higher vibrations of love, compassion, peace draw one closer to Creator and the lower vibrations of hate, lust, rage, repel you farther away.

This is the core Truth behind what has been often misinterpreted to state “God cannot face sin.”


I question even the concept of a Devil incarnate. If Satan does exist as a separate being, he too
is a facet of Grandfather. Eastern mysticism seems to have a stronger grip on this issue with their
concept of the two faces of Shiva, Creator and Destroyer. Mythical Christianity misinterprets the
“other side of Grandfather” as an evil being which must be overcome.

A concept which is ultimately as impossible as having light without darkness or wet without dry. A concept which also gives man an excuse to not look for the answers within his own core.

Man, as a species, must rise to the realization that there is not some “outside Devil” making his
paradise less than perfect. That which we call Evil is simply the denial of our own spiritual
responsibility toward ourselves and those around us.

I believe that the sum total of what we define as evil in this world can be explained by the misled
efforts of those beings - both physical and invisible - who lead unbalanced, Spiritually uncentered lives.

The biggest influences working against men are their own powers unharnessed and uncontrolled. In the gospel of Thomas, Jesus says that we MUST bring out that Light which is within us or it will KILL US. Keeping your light under a bushel will burn the basket. That's the core of the sickness... The root angst from which springs all other symptoms.

While there are powerful Spirits at work in this world and the next, alluding to "evil powers that
be" is usually just another attempt at evading personal responsibility... 100% of what most
people experience as evil can be attributed to their own decisions without factoring in any
demons other than those of their own creation. And what you create, you can destroy.



Living in a state of Spiritual Imbalance produces effects which magnify over time, like the
increasing wobbles of a slowing gyroscope. The Spirit so encumbered becomes unable to help
himself, which automatically means he’s unable to help others. In the final throes the Spirit often
injures those within reach around him “on his way out.”

If enough people enter such a state of unhealthy disconnection an entire society decays. The
effects of Spiritual Drought become increasingly apparent as the people reach out to sensational
diversions to fill its increasing void.

Passing on the sickness from one generation to another makes it even more difficult to rectify the
effects of unbalanced lives. For example, there is no “root cause” for the mental illness of
someone who grew up in the shadow of an alcoholic parent. They inherit the problems of their
parent’s choices. ***************************

When an assailant lashes out, he’s striking at the shadows in his own Spirit. The victim becomes
caught in a web of co-creation shared with the attacker and all those who failed to feed his spirit
in the past.

The Spirits of violent men are often so afflicted by their stunted development that they grow
instantly hostile when shown any act of compassion, or indeed, any act of kindness that conflicts
with their own illusions of unworthiness.



● There is no one between you and Creator unless you put them there.

● I believe that each of us has a “bell” inside our heart that rings when Spiritual Truth is found. I
believe the only dogma that is truly needed for Spiritual Progress is the simple commandment, “if
it’s not written on your heart, don’t read it.” The tricky part is getting people to quiet themselves
enough to hear it.

● True Spiritual Progress entails taking personal responsibility for your thoughts and actions.
There is no holy book or ritual to absolve you. There is no shortcut to taking the reins of your
own Divinity and riding it Home.



Here’s how to tell a true prophet from a false one. “By their actions ye shall know them.” True
prophets and spiritual guides lead you to the gates of your own Spiritual Dawning and

They literally tend to you like a loving gardener, growing you into your own Spiritual Independence. False prophets and teachers train you to depend on them for guidance and instruction, telling you that you are not worthy or perhaps just not ready to trust your own spiritual instincts.

True Spiritual Leader = “Follow your heart, I’ll show you the way.”

False Spiritual Leader = “Follow me, I know the way.”

●  Spell EVIL backwards and it becomes LIVE.
    And so it is that the truest definition
    of evil is living backwards.

In my youth, one spiritual reality in particular bothered me and seemed without answer. The
death of the innocents, as in the classic example of a four year old killed under the wheels of a
bus. No preacher or text could give my heart an answer that made sense or eased the pain until,
one Dawn, a revelation came when I put the question to Creator.

The answer came to me as a light upon my heart that soon bubbled into words I could comprehend. “I am only doing it to Myself. I Am the 4 year old and I Am the wheels. I Am all things and I shall experience all things.” This, finally, gave my heart peace.


● In the material world you cannot destroy anything. You can change its state, but you are left
with the same amount of “stuff” as when you started. I believe that this physical law transmutes
to the Spiritual realm as well. I believe that we are all quite immortal, safe and impervious to
destruction in any sense. Our Spirits, being of Creator, are timeless and endless.

● I believe that all spirits are the same dimensions. There are no “small spirits” for we are each a
piece of the all encompassing whole which is without form, restriction or barrier. An ant has no
less majesty or depth than Man. It is simply Creator expressing Himself as an ant.

● I believe that our Spirits give off a range of vibrational states (or “Spiritual Colors”) according
to our state of being. As Red is a lower vibrational state than Blue in the visible light spectrum,
so also are the emotions of anger and rage lower vibrational states than the emotions of love,
compassion and spiritual awareness. By achieving and maintaining these higher vibrational states
of being, we spiral inward on the Infinite Path, drawing ourselves closer to Creator’s Center.

● I believe that locations and places can in some manner “record” the vibrations of events, even
replaying them in a manner perceptible to our senses when the vibrations were especially strong.
The manifestations observable at some haunted battlegrounds are one example of this.

Like rippling water from a dropped pebble, all events send waves through time and space.
Some Spirits are so willful and yet unbalanced that they literally cling to this place after passing
through the veil of death. 

The walk the halls of their former reality, trapped in a nightmare of their own making. If their personal power is strong enough, they can even manifest themselves to certain sensitive individuals. This, I believe, explains the manifestations (“hauntings”) of individual spirits.

● We are all born with an innate capacity to be “psychic,” but our cultures are, for the most part,
ignorant of this capability - or perhaps even fear it. A lack of proper training plus the clamor and
hustle of day-today life makes so much noise and distraction in our minds that most never hear
the faint voices in their heart. Our inner voices have been drowned out by modern media and
the nightly news onslaught.

This psychic capacity - which in reality is just the capability to pick up the inner voices of the
heart - can be discovered at any age, but much like learning music, it would seem that an early
proper foundation is usually vital for true mastery. Without use, our capabilities atrophy.



● For those who require proof beyond their own breath of the existence of God, I believe the
principle of “Original Cause” is our strongest logical verification. This series of processes we call a
Universe (Cause-Effect-Cause-Effect, ad infinitum) must have had a first event, a first motivating
cause… A finger flicking the first domino. That first verb, that Big Bang, was Creator.

● To those who view this Universe as a spontaneously generated anomaly, I simply ask,
spontaneously generated from WHAT? The Something comprising this reality had to have a
source. That source is Creator.

● Beyond this and other logical assumptions it remains an impossibility to test for Creator
because, being the core of all things, no instrument can be devised that is separate from what is
being tested. The eye literally cannot see itself and we have no way to construct a mirror
“outside of God” to reflect God.


Jesus Himself said that we are all “Sons of God”. Look it up in your favorite translation of the
Bible. He did not say we were, "almost as good"... He did not call us "less than but on the same
playing board"... He pronounced you a SON of God... An equal to Jesus Himself. The difference is
that Jesus is a fully REALIZED Son of Creator, free of the shackles created by the illusions of this
world. We are unrealized. And as such, our purpose here is not to learn, but to REMEMBER (remember) who we are.

Just as the younger brother lacks for a time the skills and power of the older brother, we are of
the same direct Spiritual Linage of Jesus, but we have yet to grow into our own Spiritual Maturity
and Awareness.


I believe that Jesus, as a fully realized Celestial Son and “director of this region of the Universe,”
has the responsibility of experiencing at least one life cycle of every sentient being under his
Divine Guidance.

I believe in the possibility that Jesus has visited this place on more than one occasion.


I believe that our dreams serve many purposes, one of which is actually a form of “God Practice.”
Tiny personal universes that we create in the same manner that we are created.

The orders of magnitude are vastly different, but there is a perfect fractal relationship between them.
Reality itself is a fractal. The microcosm reflects the macrocosm and perfect symmetry exists
between them. And that same fractal extends to our dreaming.

“ALL of the universe is one, flowing, fractal mind-form - we call it God, Goddess, Brahman, Allah,
Buddhahood, Ahura-Mazda, El-Shaddai, Jah, Manitou, Tao, math, language, chemistry, history,
religion, humor, evolution, and infinitely more.

It is "center everywhere, circumference nowhere - " we are the center of the universe, because it is infinite. And we are also an insignificant speck, a bubble on the cosmic oceans.” - Unknown


● It will not matter for Mother Earth how many feet walk the Spirit Path unless all the others find
their path as well and that will require a planet-wide epiphany. We are one great Global Being
intertwined. Until each piece is whole, no one piece can be The Whole.

● I believe in the possibility that this place, Earth, is in a continual state of upheaval in order to
allow our individual Spirits to transcend it. Global unity and epiphany is a worthy goal and a much
more fitting mindset than Armageddon, but the possibility exists that this place is not intended to
be anything other than what it is now… A melting pot of spiritual levels, voices and choices.

● Let us remember that Mother Earth is also a facet of Creator and She is that from which all life springs in this place and it is to Her that we shall all return.

● I believe that this planet is one of many in this Universe which supports “higher forms of life.”



● I believe that Creator has given us this reality as a safe haven where we are free to experiment
and grow in our own time and at our own pace.

Some of us are immediately drawn to following the Spirit Path while others simply enjoy (and get lost in) the infinite variety of sensations in this place.

The entanglements begin when our co-Creations intermingle and intertwine. Much, if not all, of
what is labeled as “Evil” in this world is a result of this co-mingling.

● I believe that each Spirit chooses much of the reality it experiences, mostly at a level that is
beneath our conscious awareness. Spiritual Maturity means taking the reins of this Creative
Process and becoming aware of our part in the proceedings.

● I believe that Creator doesn’t care what specific activities we engage in and how we choose to
spend our time. Eventually we ALL rejoin the Center and we have infinity to get there.

● Despite all the publicity to the contrary, I believe we are under the auspices of a loving God
who has no trouble relating to us in all our various states of being.

● I personally walk the path toward Higher Vibrational states as an active seeker of Creator in all
His facets. I choose to direct my path instead of just drifting along the sea of sensations.



● I believe the teachings of Elders such as Carl Jung, who postulate that any separateness
between us is an illusion, much as the Hawaiian Islands are by all appearances separate, when in
reality they are but the tips of mountains joined together at the common bedrock. When Jung
speaks of a Universal Consciousness connecting us all, I hear simply another description of

● I believe in the possibility of reincarnation, but given the premise that we are all God, the
question ultimately has no meaning anyway.

A better way to frame this inquiry would be, “are our Individual Identities (some would say souls) preserved when we leave this place?” I can only answer that my heart tells me it is so. Contemplations at Dawn reveal to me that each of our identities are sacred and equal to Grandfather. We are here to witness Creation and participate in it. The journey truly is the reward.


As shards of the Sacred Crystal, our experiences are what shape us, at least until we learn to
shape our experiences. All reality begins in thought. All thoughts bring with them realities. - 10 -
Clearing the spirit of outside influences and imposed thoughts is a necessary step if one seeks to
be free of the illusions of this co-reality.

For many, the scariest part of the process is trusting their own heart to know Truth when it finds it. They have been told all their lives that they cannot trust their inner voices for they are tainted and impure when, in fact, their very core is the essence of Creator in all His glory.

The act of focusing our thoughts is crucial to Spiritual progress.

"The one thing that we can say about fundamental matter is that it is vibrating. And since all
vibrations are theoretically sound, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music
and should be percieved as such."
- Joachim Ernst-Berendt
- Pythagoras (Mystic and inventor of geometry)


The road to our inner peace is frequently blocked by our own emotions and the way we cling to
them. There are simple to describe (yet difficult to follow) instructions for dealing with this:

First step... Forgive yourself

Second step... Forgive others

Third Step.... Move on

Most people skip that first step and try to start with the second... But you can't forgive anyone
else until you've truly made peace with yourself. And that, in my mind, includes purging yourself
of the false notions of unworthiness placed upon you by the myth of original Sin.



● I believe that this Life is but one chapter in a never-ending adventure whose ultimate
destination is an incredible re-joining with the Creator of All.

I believe that Death, as we know it here, is actually a form of Spiritually Puberty where we, as Celestial Brothers, come of age, reaching a new level of Spiritual Maturity… That is except for those who choose to reject the “graduation ceremony”.

● In death, Spirits depart this reality’s “subset” and enter the “superset” of the larger reality that
encompasses this one. To awake from death is as awakening from a deep dream.

● People generally die with their Spirits in one of 3 conditions, with the state of their Spiritual
Development being the determining factor.

Those operating at the highest vibrational levels gather so much Spiritual Power in this place that their passing is like crossing through a thin veil from this reality to the next. If they so desire, their understanding is such that they are able to pass freely back and forth from the subset to the superset.

These are the teachers and guides that assist the rest of us with our own Spiritual progress and transitions. Many of these Spirits have learned how to “pass back and forth” between realities even before their physical death.

For those whose life held to a more middling vibrational level of existence, the experience of
death is more painful, requiring the ripping of their illusions and the stripping of their pretenses
in one fell swoop. For these Spirits the transition of death is an awakening, often rude, which
then prepares them for their next series of experiences. This is the experience often misinterpreted as “Final Judgment” by many religions.

The lowest vibrational levels consist of those who live out their life in this place without
increasing their awareness, those who float lost upon reality’s ocean of sensations and conflicting

These poor tired Spirits often spend massive amounts of time after this life in a form of
“Divine Unconsciousness,” rebuilding their Spirit Energy from the traumas they carry with them

I believe that this third group presents the best argument for the possibility of reincarnation. For
various reasons these people cling so obsessively to their experiences in the material World that
they reject even the notion of moving beyond it.



All paths lead one of two directions, either spiraling inward, toward Creator, or outward, toward
the greater illusions of separation and eventual dissolution.

You have the ability to choose the
direction of your path at all times and there is no standing still. This is free will.


Just because my understanding may be different from yours,
do not assume I have NO understanding.

We just come from different experiences.
Just because my vision is different from yours,
do not assume I am blind.

We just see things differently.
Just because you disagree with my words,
do not assume you are the only "good person"
in the conversation.
That is called prejudice. The mother of hatred.


I pledge allegiance to humanity
And to the Mother Planet on which we stand.

One Earth, under Creator, indivisible,
With liberty, justice and opportunity for all,
Including the generations to come.

Reverend Steven Cox
 Voice of Golden Eagle
 March 15, 2006 "

Source and Full Document

Posted here by
Reverend Crystal Cox ( no relation)
Mother Goddess Church
Bringing Back Goddess Church 

"The Pythias excerpted from Secret History of the Witches" by Max Dashu

"I count the grains of sand on the beach and measure the sea
I understand the speech of the mute and hear the voiceless
— Delphic Oracle [Herodotus, I, 47]

" and waters flowed from a spring. The place was called Delphoi (“Womb”).
In its cave sanctuary lived a shamanic priestess called the Pythia —Serpent
Woman. Her prophetic power came from a she-dragon in the Castalian spring,
whose waters had inspirational qualities. She sat on a tripod, breathing vapors
that emerged from a deep cleft in the Earth, until she entered trance and
prophesied by chanting in verse.

The shrine was sacred to the indigenous Aegean earth goddess. The
Greeks called her Ge, and later Gaia. Earth was said to have been the first Delphic
priestess. [Pindar, fr. 55; Euripides, Iphigenia in Taurus, 1234-83. 

This idea of Earth as the original oracle and source of prophecy was widespread. The Eumenides
play begins with a Pythia intoning, “First in my prayer I call on Earth, primeval prophetess...” [Harrison, 385] Ancient Greek tradition held that there had once been an oracle of Earth at the Gaeion in Olympia, but it had disappeared by the 2nd century. [Pausanias, 10.5.5; Frazer on Apollodorus, note, 10] The oracular cave of Aegira, with its very old wooden image of Broad-bosomed Ge, belonged to Earth too. [Pliny, Natural History 28. 147; Pausanias 7, 25] 

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Reverend Crystal Cox
Bringing Back Goddess
Mother Goddess Church 

Goddess Bless You !!

Friday, June 6, 2014

You are NOT accountable to your Audience, your Congregation to man, to women; NO Excuses; You are accountable to the HOLY Spirit, not to the Opinions of God's People.

YOU are Accountable to Spirit; to God; to the Holy Spirit. And this is Between YOU and SPIRIT. ~ Woman Spiritual Leaders in the Ministry, daughter of Billy Graham

you are NOT of this WORLD, nor do you answer to those of this world.

"Hope is a STATE of MIND independent of the state of the world" ~ William Sloane Coffin

"William Sloane Coffin Sermon Archive Project. It is truly a labor of love (a lot of labor; a lot of love) to digitally “Save Bill’s Voice.” Delivered from the Riverside Church pulpit over his ten years as senior minister, there are over 300 sermons in need of archiving to a digital format.

It is my intention to transfer all of the sermons (and any other sermons I can find from around the country) from the deteriorating cassette tapes that are currently their home, not only to be made available on this website, but also to be stored with his papers at Yale University's Sterling Library.  These digitized sermons could provide an enduring and invaluable resource for scholars, divinity school students, religious leaders and socially engaged activists around the world.

"I think this is a good investment for history, for culture, for religion, for the pure pleasure of hearing Bill's voice and his well chosen words. I think the idea of supporting David's initiative is terrific. I have contributed, and one doesn't have to be religious to enjoy and appreciate the content of the sermons, each of which  usually contains a lesson in morality, or politics, or justice....." Cora Weiss"

Source and Sermons

"William Sloane Coffin, Jr. (June 1, 1924 – April 12, 2006) was an American Christian clergyman and long-time peace activist. He was ordained in the Presbyterian church and later received ministerial standing in the United Church of Christ. In his younger days he was an athlete, a talented pianist, a CIA agent, and later chaplain of Yale University, where the influence of Reinhold Niebuhr's social philosophy led him to become a leader in the civil rights and peace movements of the 1960s and 1970s. He also was a member of the secret society Skull and Bones. He went on to serve as Senior Minister at the Riverside Church in New York City and President of SANE/Freeze (now Peace Action), the nation's largest peace and justice group, and prominently opposed United States military interventions in conflicts such as the Vietnam War to the Iraq War. He was also an ardent supporter of gay rights."

Spirituality means to me living the ordinary life extraordinarily well. 
As the old-church father said, 'The glory of God is a human being fully alive.” 
― William Sloane Coffin

"Not about Peace, but about JUSTICE"

“Love measures our stature: the more we love, the bigger we are. 
There is no smaller package in all the world than that of a man all wrapped up in himself.” 
― William Sloane Coffin

It Takes Conviction.. 
..accepting Unpleasant TRUTH

“Fear destroys intimacy. It distances us from each other; or makes us cling to each other, which is the death of freedom.... Only love can create intimacy, and freedom too, for when all hearts are one, nothing else has to be one--neither clothes nor age; neither sex nor sexual preference; race nor mind-set.” 
― William Sloane Coffin

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Saint Jude ~ the Image of Edessa was a holy relic consisting of a square or rectangle of cloth upon which a miraculous image of the face of Jesus was imprinted

"Judas Iscariot was, according to the New Testament, one of the twelve original apostles of Jesus Christ."

"For Thaddeus of Edessa also known as Addai / Mar Addai, see Thaddeus of Edessa
Saint Jude the Apostle.  Jude was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. 

He is generally identified with Thaddeus, and is also variously called Jude of James, Jude Thaddaeus, Judas Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus. He is sometimes identified with Jude, "brother of Jesus", but is clearly distinguished from Judas Iscariot, another apostle who betrayed Jesus prior to his crucifixion.

The Armenian Apostolic Church honors Thaddeus along with Saint Bartholomew as its patron saints. In the Roman Catholic Church, he is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes.

Saint Jude's attribute is a club. He is also often shown in icons with a flame around his head. This represents his presence at Pentecost, when he received the Holy Spirit with the other apostles. Another common attribute is Jude holding an image of Jesus Christ, in the image of Edessa. In some instances, he may be shown with a scroll or a book (the Epistle of Jude) or holding a carpenter's rule."


"According to Christian tradition, the Image of Edessa was a holy relic consisting of a square or rectangle of cloth upon which a miraculous image of the face of Jesus was imprinted — the first icon ("image"). In Eastern Orthodoxy, and often in English, the image is known as the Mandylion.

According to the legend, King Abgar of Edessa wrote to Jesus, asking him to come cure him of an illness. Abgar received a reply letter from Jesus, declining the invitation, but promising a future visit by one of his disciples. This legend was first recorded in the early 4th century by Eusebius of Caesarea,[1] who said that he had transcribed and translated the actual letter in the Syriac chancery documents of the king of Edessa, but who makes no mention of an image.[2] Instead, the apostle "Thaddaeus" is said to have come to Edessa, bearing the words of Jesus, by the virtues of which the king was miraculously healed.

The report of an image, which accrued to the legendarium of Abgar, first appears in the Syriac work, the Doctrine of Addai: according to it, the messenger, here called Ananias, was also a painter, and he painted the portrait, which was brought back to Edessa and conserved in the royal palace.[3]

The first record of the existence of a physical image in the ancient city of Edessa (now Urfa) was in Evagrius Scholasticus, writing about 593, who reports a portrait of Christ, of divine origin (θεότευκτος), which effected the miraculous aid in the defence of Edessa against the Persians in 544.[4] The image was moved to Constantinople in the 10th century. The cloth disappeared from Constantinople during the Sack of Constantinople in 1204, during the Fourth Crusade, and by some believed to be reappearing as a relic in King Louis IX of France's Sainte-Chapelle in Paris. This relic disappeared in the French Revolution.[5]

The vicissitudes of the Edessa letter between the 1st century and its location in his own time are not reported by Eusebius. The materials, according to the scholar Robert Eisenman, "are very widespread in the Syriac sources with so many multiple developments and divergences that it is hard to believe they could all be based on Eusebius' poor efforts" (Eisenman 1997:862).

The Eastern Orthodox Church have a feast of this icon on August 16 (August 29 in N.S.), which commemorates its translation from Edessa to Constantinople."


Feminists in History; Bringing Back Goddess Church

"Adams, Abigail (1744-1818). Adams was a prolific writer, patriot, abolitionist, and early feminist. In her famous correspondence to her husband, she spoke eloquently against slavery, many years before the abolitionist movement, and on behalf of women.

Anthony, Susan B. 1820-1906. American suffragist. Anthony worked tirelessly for the woman suffrage movement. She lectured on women's rights and organized a series of state and national conventions on the issue. She collected signatures for a petition to grant women the right to vote and to own property.

During the Civil War Anthony worked toward the emancipation of the slaves. In 1863 she helped form the Women's Loyal League, which supported U.S. president Abraham Lincoln's policies. She registered to vote in Rochester, New York, on November 1, 1872. Four days later, she and fifteen other women voted in the presidential election. All sixteen women were arrested three weeks later, but only Anthony was brought before a court. Between 1881 and 1886, she and Stanton published three volumes of the History of Woman Suffrage, a collection of writings about the movement's struggle.

Black, Clementina (1850's-1923). Social reformer and writer. Born in England. Worked to improve social and industrial conditions for women and girls in England through militant unionism. Wrote `Sweated Labor and the Minimum Wage' (1907) and `Married Women's Work' (1915)

Blackwell, Elizabeth (3/3/1821-5/31/1910). America's first woman doctor, was admitted to New York's Geneva College as a joke in 1847. She overcame taunts and prejudice while at medical school to earn her degree in 1849, graduating at the top of her class. After American hospitals refused to hire her, she opened a clinic in New York City where she was joined by her sister Dr. Emily Blackwell and Dr. Marie E. Zakrzewska.

Bloomer, Amelia Jenks (1818-94). Social reformer. Born in Homer, N.Y. Active as speaker and writer for women's rights. Editor of the Lily, which was believed to be the first newspaper edited entirely by a woman. Involved in dress reform through her defense of pantaloons, which came to be called "bloomers."

Casgrain, Marie Therese Forget (1896-1981) A canadian feminist who led the fight to obtain full sufferage for women, she was also the president of Quebec League for Women's Rights from 1929-1948.

Catt, Carrie Chapman (1859-1947). American woman suffrage leader, born in Ripon, Wisconsin, and educated at the State College of Iowa. She was an organizer and lecturer for the woman suffrage movement. She was president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association from 1900 to 1904 and of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, which she helped to organize, from 1904 to 1923.

She was reelected president of the national association in 1915, retaining this post until her death. Catt's campaign achieved success in 1920, when all American women won the right to vote. In the same year she participated in founding the National League of Women Voters. In the 1920s and '30s, Catt was active in the cause of international peace, serving as head of the National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War from 1925 to 1932.

Chicago, Judy (born 1939). Artist. Born Judy Cohen in Chicago, IL. She helped found the Feminist Studio Workshop in Los Angeles. Most famous for the unusual, large exhibition called `The Dinner Party' in the late 1970s.

Chopin, Kate (1851-1904). Writer. Born in St. Louis, Mo. Regular contributor of feminist short stories to literary journals. Her novel `The Awakening' (1899) shocked many people with its portrayal of a young woman's sexual and artistic longings.

Collins, Martha Layne (born 1963) Kentucky's first female governor and first woman to chair the National Conference of Lieutenant Governors.

Friedan, Betty (born 1921) Born in the U.S., a famous author and known feminist. She wrote the best-seller, "The Feminine Mystique" and challenged traditional roles of women. Cofounder and president of the National Organization for Women (from 1966-1977). She cofounded the First Women's Bank and convened International Feminist Congress in 1973.

Gilman, Charlotte (1860-1935) U.S. writer famous for her writings on feminism and labor. ("His Religion and Hers", "The Crux")

Ginsburg, Ruth (born 1933) Director of Women's Rights project of the American Civil Liberties Union and argued many cases before the Supreme Court. Was appointed ot the Supreme Court by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

Murphy, Emily (1886-1933). A Canadian lawyer and writer. In 1916 helped establish the Women's Court to hear women's evidence in such cases as divorce or sexual assault. Became first woman magistrate in the British Empire.

O'Reily, Leonora (1870-1927) U.S. labor leader and reformer, born in the U.S. She led and organized factory reforms and unionized female factory garmet workers; founding member of NAACP; active in civil rights and women's sufferage movements.

Pankhurst, Emmeline (1858-1928). Suffragist. Born in England. Militant worker for women's suffrage in Manchester and London. In 1903 she and daughter formed the Women's Social and Political Union.

Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews (1875-1941) Born in the U.S.; sociologist and anthropologist. Her early writing concerned women's rights and she later became an advocate of human rights. She was the first woman elected president of American Anthropological Association.

Paul, Alice (1/11/1885-7/9/1977). Before leaving England, Paul was arrested seven times and jailed at least three for her suffragist activities. When she returned to the United States, Paul joined, then left the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA).

Thinking the NAWSA too mainstream, she founded the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage (CUWS) in 1913. The CUWS later merged with the Woman's Party to form the National Woman's Party, of which Paul was the first chair. Until the Nineteenth Amendment was passed in 1919, and ratified in 1920, Paul was an ardent supporter of suffrage, and even met with President Woodrow Wilson to urge him to support suffrage. After the amendment was passed, Paul continued her feminist work. In 1923, she drafted the Equal Rights Amendment, and largely through her influence was able to get the ERA through Congress in 1970. The amendment later failed to be ratified by two-thirds of the states.

Sanger, Margaret (9/14/1883-9/6/1966). Birth control pioneer who first worked as a nurse, where she witnessed first-hand the health hazards of unwanted pregnancy. Her fifty year crusade to educate women about birth control resulted in numerous arrests on charges of obscenity and the founding of what was to become the Planned Parenthood Federation.

Sanger also published numerous pamphlets and magazines, among them Woman Rebel, a monthly magazine, Family Limitation, a pamphlet of contraceptive advice, and The Birth Control Review. Additionally, Sanger wrote several books, including Women, Morality and Birth Control; My Fight for Birth Control, and Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography.

Steinem, Gloria (born 1934). Writer and editor. Born in Toledo, Ohio. During the 1960s she appeared as a leader in the women's movement in the United States. In 1970 cofounded Ms., which grew to be a leading feminist magazine.

Truth, Sojourner (1797-1883). Born a slave in New York, Sojourner Turth was orginally called Isabella Van Wagner. She gained her freedom in 1827, after most of her thirteen children had been sold. She took the name "Sojourner Truth" in 1843 after having a vision. In 1836, Truth became the first Black to win a slander action against whites. At the 1851 Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio, her powerful "Ain't I a Woman" speech awed even detractors.

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (11/12/1815-10/26/1902). Elizabeth Cady Stanton came to the women's right movement after being excluded from sessions during an anti-slavery convention because of her sex. She and Lucretia Mott decided that a women's rights convention was in order. Eight years later, in 1848, the first women's rights convention took place at Seneca Falls, New York.

It was there that, using the Declaration of Independence as a guide, the Declaration of Sentiments was written. Stanton, with Susan B. Anthony, organized the Women's Loyal National League to fight slavery (1863) and founded the National Woman Suffrage Association (1869) of which Stanton served as president. Stanton was also the co-editor of The Revolution, a weekly woman's suffrage paper published by Anthony, and author of The Woman's Bible (1895) and an autobiography, Eighty Years and More (1898).

Stone, Lucy (1818-93). American feminist and abolitionist, born in West Brookfield, Massachusetts, and educated at Oberlin College. Noted as a lecturer on woman suffrage and as an advocate of the abolition of slavery. A leader of the American Woman's Suffrage Association, she founded (1870) the Woman's Journal, the chief publication of the women's movement. Until her death she edited the journal, assisted by her husband, the American abolitionist Henry Blackwell. Stone created controversy by retaining her maiden name after her marriage as a symbol of a woman's right to individuality. Those who followed her example came to be known as Lucy Stoners.

Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-97). Writer. Born in England. Work includes `Thoughts on the Education of Daughters' (1787), `The Female Reader' (1789), and `A Historical and Moral View of the Origins and Progress of the French Revolution' (1794). `A Vindication of the Rights of Women' (1792), which challenged Rousseau's ideas of female inferiority, is a classic of liberal feminism."

Pioneer Feminist Susan Gubar ~ "Judas: A Biography"

" Judas: A Biography, Indiana University Distinguished Professor of English Susan Gubar delves into how Judas became a symbol of the Jewish people.
In the book, Gubar analyzes how Judas personifies a composite Judeo-Christianity that illuminates ambivalent relationships between Christians and Jews -- as well as changing attitudes toward the body, blood and money; greed and hypocrisy; suicide and repentance; and homosexuality and divinity.
Gubar image
Susan Gubar
A pioneering feminist and culture critic, Gubar is the author of the books Poetry After Auschwitz and Rooms of Our Own, and she is co-editor of The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women.
In the April 12 New York Times Sunday Book Review,Judas: A Biography was named to the Editors' Choice list.
"Each new book by Susan Gubar is a sort of literary event in its own right," said George Hutchinson, the Booth Tarkington Professor of Literary Studies and chair of the Department of English at IU. "This one certainly marks a new departure in her long list of accomplishments, but the others were new departures, as well. Her work is exemplary of the scholarly imagination at work on big issues that have shaped and been shaped by writers and artists in the western world."
Gubar said she was inspired to write the book while she was doing research for another book (Poetry After Auschwitz). "I encountered the view that Christian anti-Semitism generated the genocide in Germany," Gubar said. "Some Jewish studies scholars view Judas as nothing but the epitome of Christian anti-Semitism. Yet when I looked at Christian-authored scholarship and theology about Judas, the Twelfth Apostle was credited with facilitating the crucifixion but also the resurrection.
"There was much disagreement about who Judas was, what he did, why, and with what results," Gubar continued. "That enigma drew me to study the history of Judas from the four Gospel accounts in the New Testament through medieval legend, Renaissance painting, 19th-century poetry, and 20th-century fiction and film." Gubar's research and writing for her biography of Judas were supported in part by a New Frontiers in Arts and Humanities grant from IU's Office of the Vice Provost for Research.
Judas: A Biography
Among other suprises during her research, she found that the four authors of the Gospels disagree about Judas' character and fate. 
While Matthew describes his repentance and suicide, Luke believes he was possessed by Satan and died by bursting open with his bowels gushing out. Although Mark, Matthew and Luke mention a kiss of betrayal, John's Judas does not kiss Jesus at all, she found.
"I also found it surprising that the medieval pariah-Judas, who is faulted for every conceivable anal and oral crime, morphs in Renaissance paintings into Jesus' kindred spirit and soul mate. These contradictory portraits of Judas continue up to the present day," she said.
While part of Gubar's wish in writing the book is to help people of all religious backgrounds to understand how anti-Semitic stereotypes fuel violence against innocent people, she also believes that when we keep in mind that all of the players in the Passion are Jewish, Judas reflects humanity's concern with wrongdoing.
"Through Judas we understand our propensity for wrong-doing, vacillation and betrayal as well as our wish to disavow that capacity. Judas reflects humanity's disgust and self-disgust, our grief and nausea about our capacity for inflicting pain."
Gubar hopes that the book reaches a wide audience of "Jews as well as Christians, believers and non-believers, and especially those interested in the ways in which great paintings and great literary texts change our ideas about Judeo-Christianity. Indeed, Judas -- the only apostle to work with Jesus as well as with the Temple -- can be viewed as a figure of the hyphen that appears in the term 'Judeo-Christianity,'" she said.
"Judas is making a splash," said Hutchinson. "On the day the book was issued, I went to the bookstore to buy a copy and they were already sold out."
To read a New York Times Sunday Book Review of Judas: A Biography, see"

Monday, May 26, 2014

Pleiadian Archangelic Tribe; Bringing Back Goddess Church; AWAKEN

"Who are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light?

by Amorah Quan Yin

Whenever we come to the end of a major evolutionary cycle, usually every 5200 or 26,000 years, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light make themselves known. They are a collective group with diverse responsibilities and roles, including that of guardians of Earth and this solar system. As guardians they come to awaken us to where we are in our evolution and to what is needed in order to take the next steps.

There are different kinds of beings with different functions within the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and they have met a wide variety of needs along the way. Ra, the being who always speaks to me instructionally and philosophically, is part of what is called the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribes of the Light. These archangels serve as wards of Earth and our solar system. There are four of these tribes that are delineated by the color they emanate.

All of the golden yellow Pleiadian Archangelic Tribe members are called Ra and are the keepers of divine wisdom, which is the product of all experience. The blue beings are named Ptah, and they are the protectors and preservers of the eternal nature of life. Ma-at is the title given to the red beings who are the spiritual warriors; they hold the energy of divine courage, which is beyond fear. 

The green beings are referred to as An-Ra, and they hold the energy of divine compassion and understanding.

Some of the Pleiadian Archangels make conscious links with human beings, as Ra has done with me. Others specialize in interstellar and planetary communications that are centralized in Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades. Still others work with humans during our dreamtime and show us possibilities beyond what we have presumed to be physical limitations. 

At times they orchestrate special healing dreams to help us release the past and continue growing, or to find new ways of expressing ourselves that are more commensurate with who we are becoming. Now they are beginning to facilitate the remembrance and teaching of ancient healing modalities (such as contained in the PLEIADIAN WORKBOOK - AWAKENING YOUR DIVINE KA).

The Archangelic Tribe names - Ra, An-Ra, Ma-at and Ptah - may be familiar to you as they were frequently used in ancient Egypt, especially for royalty. The Egyptians were more advanced spiritually in ancient times than they are currently. The Pleiadians were commonly in communication with the ancient Egyptians who were able to respond to them during their height of spiritual advancement. The Pleiadians taught them much of their spiritual knowledge, healing practices, development of full sensory perception, and understanding of Earth's purpose within the solar system, galaxy, and far beyond.

Many Pleiadians took on human bodies in ancient Egypt, while others worked in higher dimensions with the dreamers, seers, healers, priests and priestesses, and even the royalty. Their common purposes were: the overall evolution of the planet and the human race, and to store enough higher knowledge here on Earth so that, when the time came for the Great Awakening, what would be needed would be here. Of course, Egypt was not the only civilization to receive such gifts. Before the Christ incarnation appearances by the Pleiadians took place in power spots all over the world: Machu Picchu, Glastonbury, Hawaii, Greece, Tibet and Africa.

I had been told previously that the Dolphin Brain Repatterning and Dolphin Star-Linking work were vital in the healing and preparation of our nervous systems for the ever-increasing frequencies of the Pleiadian Lightwork. If we as the human population are to make the quantum leap into Christ consciousness, many people will need very specific healings and openings to prepare for it. 

And that is the sole purpose of Pleiadian Lightwork: to clear the way for the Second Coming of Christ en masse. Mayan, Egyptian and Hopi prophecies - and perhaps other spiritual sources of which I am unaware - have foretold of this time when we are to be awakened to states of mastery, enlightenment and then Christ consciousness while still on Earth in human bodies.

Many avatars and enlightened masters throughout the ages and from many different cultures have attained the same level of consciousness as the Christ did. In order to understand the purpose of the Christ we must also realize that orthodox religions and the censoring of the Bible, which occurred around 150 years after his death, all but destroyed his true message. "Be ye as perfect as I am" and "You shall do even greater things than I have done" are unmistakable invitations to choose spiritual evolution, enlightenment and ascension, and to let go of limitation on all levels. 

These messages are invitations to let go of the idea of a chosen few and to realize that we are all chosen; it is up to each of us to choose whether our answer is 'Yes' or 'No'.

The Christ walked Earth showing the commoners that miracles happen, and that miracles are natural phenomena when people are in direct alignment with their God Presences. 

He healed the sick and raised the dead, all the while encouraging the onlookers to believe they could do the same things. When he said he was the 'son of God' he was also telling the people that they were the sons and daughters of God. He told people God loved them and wanted them to be well and happy, and he brought that about in his followers and listeners in order to demonstrate it.

His disciples, who were both men and women by the way, were from all walks of life: common people, wealthy people, and members of the Goddess temples, like Mary Magdalene, who was also his wife. 
There were thousands of disciples by the time of the crucifixion in addition to the twelve spoken of in the Bible. All of these disciples opened spiritually to gifts of healing, prophecy and visioning. They proved that what The Christ said was true.

Much of the Christ's empowerment came through awakened women. For the first twelve years of his life he was taught by the Goddess embodied: Mother Mary, her mother Anna, and others. 

Then, at the age of twelve, as was the natural course for males, he went to the learned men for sharing and teaching. He traveled to Egypt and India and was initiated in the pyramids. He learned ancient healing-temple practices and mystery-school initiatic teachings. He learned dominion over the body functions from old yogic practices, and secrets of longevity and conscious death.

The governments and churches at that time were very threatened by all of this. A population of self-mastered sovereign beings would soon outgrow the need for those who proclaimed to be authorities. When humans open to their full sensory awareness and spiritual heritage, they easily perceive deceit, unkindness and injustice in others. The so-called authorities can then no longer hide behind high offices and intimidation. 

The threat of these possible changes led to the crucifixion, with the hopes that the populace would take to heart this frightening example of what would face them if they continued pursuing such radical ways.

Today, the corruption in our worldwide governments and churches is no secret. So here we are nearly 2000 years later, still living on a planet where the masses are controlled by the few and are too scared, numbed out, or lazy to do anything about it. Spiritual awakening is the only cure to this vastly spread social disease, for the magnetic pull on Earth at this time to remain powerless and socially conformist is stronger than ever. Spiritual awakening is what the Christ, with much help, began to prepare us for during his time on Earth.

Now we are coming to the Age of Light - a time of reawakening. In order for us to evolve as a species, we must become one world. We must bring together the purity of the ancient sacred spiritual teachings of the major eight cultures and their ancient Pleiadian teachers. 

All people must drop their differences now and choose divine love and harmony with all things and all beings - whether they be human, animal or sentient. All must win from this new Harmonic Convergence. It's time now!

Cosmic Stepping Stones
by Amorah Quan Yin

We are living in a world made up of sequentialness in time and space. This is demonstrated by the precession of time measured in minutes, days, seasons, our lives, the order in which the planets in this solar ring have been inhabited, and the movement from one millennium into another. 

We are impulsed by our own Creators in order to magnetize the life experiences we need to complete our goals in each life. Until we awaken, we are mere creatures of survival who are self-centered, identified with ego-personalities and bodies, with little sense of anything beyond our immediate lives. Up to the point of our spiritual awakenings, we are even unaware that we are unaware.

Then one day, while in the middle of a lifetime of being ourselves doing what we always do, a pause happens: a gap in consciousness during which an unsettling feeling comes over us. This might be followed by such thoughts as, "Who am I really?" or "What am I doing here?" 

Our hearts open. Something stirs inside and we do not know what it is; but we know we have to find out. We know that things will never be the same again, although we have no definition for these changes. We become seekers of Truth.

A great celebration is held in the higher dimensions in honor of you; your own Higher Self and future Ascended Master Self attend for you. A new energy is directed your way. You feel inspired and filled with determination. You feel like everything in your life has led you to this moment. You have a deep sense of knowing, and yet you do not understand. Now what?

The avalanche of books, spiritual teachers, workshops, unusual dreams and synchronicities begins. You open the door and existence rearranges itself to place all the right people, situations and materials in your lap. Your mate thinks you're crazy. Your best friend recommends a vacation. You just smile and say, "No, it's not like that. Something is happening to me. I just know that I have something special to do in this life and I have to find out what it is".

The average story goes on to include how your family either starts to join you in your spiritual pursuits, or you separate from your spouse and later divorce. You need time for soul-searching, exploring, finding out who you really are, meeting like-minded others and redefining your priorities. Friends drop out of your life as new friends enter. Emotional and physical bonds either change or they are broken. Then you have your first clear vision. 

Perhaps you reexperience a past life or remember flying in the stars with an angel. Another phase of renewed enthusiasm and inspiration ensues. The emotional pain of change and separation are temporarily removed from focus as you embark upon the path of remembering.

Past-life regressions, hypnosis, meditating and focusing your attention usually come with the path of remembering. Your dreams become more vivid, with obvious lessons. Your crown and third eye are buzzy, or you feel pressure in them. It is all falling into place now, or so you think. This must be it!
Then the karmic lessons really begin. 

You are challenged on any level at which you are still ego-identified. You attend a workshop at which everyone else is in bliss and you just feel agitated and do not know why. You would like to punch the next person who says, "Yes, I get it!" Or you just feel sorry for yourself and pine away about how unworthy and "less then" you are. Either all those people are a bunch of flakes, or "poor you" is the only one whom God/Goddess has chosen to omit from the Divine Plan. Both are your negative ego's games. So what do you do about it?

You could give it all up and go back to your level-headed spouse. Begging your old friends to take you back might work. But would you be able to be happy, or at least content? No way. The door had been opened too wide, and you saw too much of what awaits you on the other side to turn back now. You are a seeker at the point of no return. Face it, it is this or nothing else. How long it takes you to get to this step will be determined by the amount of struggle and resistance you go through. Eventually, however, surrender is the only alternative. 

If your surrender comes from believing you have no choice and you are angry about that, it will be difficult for awhile. If you begin to understand that you create your own reality, your surrender will be much more gracious. 

Everything new and challenging will renew your enthusiasm, inspiration and determination. Your attitude at this stage makes all the difference.

The self-help and clearing techniques in the Pleiadian workbooks are invaluable at this stage. Certainly other schools of thought and clearing will work also. Whatever methods you use, you need to know how to stay grounded and focused; how to keep cosmic energy running into your chakras and how to clear yourself of unwanted psychic influences, beliefs and denser, repressed energies. This stage of the spiritual journey is one of self-clearing. It is followed by your consciousness redefining itself as your Divine Essence instead of as your ego.

Additional individual stepping stones that normally follow are: refinements in your spiritual growth and identity; aligning with your Higher Self; purifying your consciousness; and eventually, enlightenment, embodiment of your own Christed Self, and ascension

Pleiadian Lightwork provides one path for attaining these goals, as do other spiritual books and practices. What is important is that you know inside the way that is right for you. It is not necessary that you understand fully why one path is correct for you personally and not another. 

The inner knowing is what is crucial. It is also important that you do not project your path onto others. What is correct for 90 percent of the people may not be correct for the other 10 percent. We are here to learn unity in diversity; to accept and trust that every individual has the innate ability to know what is right for himself or herself.

So it is time now for a renaissance in human consciousness and spiritual awakening and growth. The path of learning and remembering is presently being offered to all humans. It is up to each of us to choose - not from a place of fear, but from a place of sincerity and spiritual commitment. After all, what we think of as physical destruction is really just change. Spirit cannot die; only the body can. Yet when the body dies, the spirit still carries with it the priorities from its human life. 

Whether those priorities are love, spiritual respect and wisdom, or greed, lust and prejudice, they are with us until we heal and transcend all limits. The transformation, transmutation and transcendence must be accomplished completely before we move on to higher realms and higher learnings. 

Why? Certainly not because it is forced upon us - but because our own spirits will not allow it to be otherwise. At the core of each of our Divine Essences lies an integrity so deep and impeccable that nothing else could be so.

Pleiadian Lightwork Credo
by Amorah Quan Yin

Pleiadian Lightwork is a mystery school system designed to assist participants toward full-body enlightenment, Christ consciousness and ascension. 

In doing so, the intention is to glorify and sanctify human, third-dimensional reality by bringing it into full alignment with Divine Truth and Divine Love through all dimensions - not to run away from physical existence. The physical dimension is simply the place where spirits have an opportunity to experience life, and its many circumstances, in a sequential manner through time and space. It is the place where higher-dimensional consciousnesses are grounded and experience one thing at a time. And it is the place in which all dimensions and aspects of consciousness can eventually meet, and experience Oneness. 

Therefore, as a mystery school of ascension teachings, participants are encouraged to be life-affirming and to fully embody their Christed Selves. Life is a great gift to our Higher Selves, or Holy Spirits. When our identities return to Truth, we become who we really are, and are released from false identities and ego. Then we are free to exist in Oneness through all dimensions with God / Goddess / All That Is.

The purpose for Pleiadian Lightwork on Earth is to assist in bringing about the second coming of Christ en masse; when a minimum of 144,000 humans come into their full multidimensional alignment, maintaining their Pillars of Light. When at least 144,000 humans have attained Christ Consciousness, an enlightenment wave will be experienced by all living beings on Earth. 

Everyone will have a brief experience of Divine Truth and enlightenment. Afterward, each human being will be enabled to make a conscious choice, based on that experience, about whether or not to continue in an illusionary, ego-based reality, or to choose a life based upon spiritual growth, Divine Love, and alignment with Divine Truth and the Divine Plan. Pleiadian Lightwork is not the only system on Earth that is working toward this end result. It is one of the mystery school systems that is doing so.

The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, in cooperation with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Ray of the Ascended Christ, and the Galactic and Intergalactic Federations of Light, have brought about the Ka, Ba, Merkabah teachings as they once existed in ancient Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt. These ancient mystery schools taught seekers in a specific sequential order. The sequence was/is designed to assure that any student/seeker has always been prepared with whatever teachings, healings, activations, self-help tools and initiations are needed before moving to the next level. 

That sequence is: to be given self-help tools for clearing karma and releasing ego-identity, meditation techniques, and teachings about impeccability; to awaken the Divine Ka; to heal the Ba, or soul, and return it to its essential state of splendor, glory and identification with Oneness; to heal the cellular structure and clear mutations; to clear DNA, or genetic mutations; to heal the male/female split; refine sexual energy with tantric practice; anchor the Pillar of Light; to reconstruct and activate the Merkabah and diamond-lightbody, anchoring one through all dimensions in the sacred geometry of Light. All of this takes place within the City of Light Dolphin Star Temples which are activated and anchored for each intensive.

Definition of a Mystery School
by Amorah Quan Yin

In ancient times, mystery schools existed in a more obvious and tangible form on Earth. At the height of Egyptian spirituality, for example, the entire culture was centered around the mystery schools. A person from any walk of life might experience a spiritual awakening, recognize the importance of living in harmlessness and impeccability (to do what one knows is right in every situation), choose to awaken fully and become enlightened, and to align with his or her highest destiny. These types of inner experiences sometimes impulse spiritual seekers to join a mystery school.
When the people of ancient Egypt experienced this impulse, they would go to the temples for an evaluation by the priests and priestesses. At times the priests and priestesses would give the prospective student assignments to complete before entering the initiatic path in the mystery school temple system. 

The prospective student was accepted into the mystery school only after he/she had completed assignments and prepared by: 1) understanding the difference in ego-identification and identification with the Holy Spirit; 2) made a full commitment to impeccability; 3) learned that the circumstances of his/her life and relationships are teachers; 4) learned enough through meditation to hold safe boundaries; 5) recognized that life choices can no longer be based on emotional reactions such as fear, anger and revenge.

Then the Ka activations would begin. The Ka is the vehicle through which the individual's Christ Self interfaces, and becomes one with the personality and the body consciousness. Next, step-by-step, and initiation by initiation, the seeker would progress through the mystery school system, in the order given above - an example of what the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light call sacred protocol.

A mystery school is a spiritual place and/or teaching in which a human being can learn, experience healing and higher states of consciousness, and (through right action and practice over time) attain to full-body, and all-chakra enlightenment. After the seven initiatic phases of enlightenment have been completed, the initiate moves into the next phase: becoming Christ-conscious. 

When this final phase has been attained to, and service on Earth completed, the Christ Self may simply choose to raise the frequency of his/her body and ascend, leaving no physical remains behind. The goal in the mystery school, therefore, is to transcend all illusions of limitation on the physical plane, to live in alignment with Divine Truth, and accomplish multidimensional alignment with one's true self and with God / Goddess / All That Is; in other words, to become the Christ Self.

The initiations along the way are such that the person will be presented with challenges and revelations relative to karma and his/her tendencies toward identification with illusion and ego. As a person meets those challenges and transcends their allurement, then the person moves to the next initiatic level.

Each initiatic level begins with a high experience during which the seeker is given a reference point on where he/she will be when that initiatic level is complete. 

After the person anchors that reference point, a clearing phase begins. The clearing phase includes life challenges, surfacing of old emotions, past-life karmic patterns and memories, and anything that needs to be recognized, healed, cleared and transcended. When this is completed, the next level begins and proceeds in a similar manner, until all of the initiatic levels have been mastered.

Pleiadian Lightwork is a mystery school, not 'the' mystery school. It is one of several on the planet at this time. When you choose to become part of a mystery school system, that choice should be made from a place of knowing inside that it is right for you. 

A mystery school system should not be chosen from a place of fear of missing out, giving power away to a teacher or system, or from guilt or shame. It should only be chosen from a place of knowing inside that this is what you are drawn to, that you are ready to do your inner work, and take responsibility for all actions in your lives, past, present and future. 

It is your responsibility to come to any mystery school, including Pleiadian Lightwork, and its teacher(s) with respect and honor of the gift that is being offered - but not from the standpoint of giving that person guru-like responsibility for your life. You come to become a master being, not to be a permanent follower of someone else and make that person your master.

In short, a mystery school system is any spiritual path and teaching that has the capacity to take you from where you are now through all of the stages of clearing and initiation - to enlightenment. Some mystery schools, such as Pleiadian Lightwork, go further into the realms of full embodiment of Christ consciousness and ascension. The purpose for any true mystery school system is to facilitate your becoming the best you can be and spiritually sovereign.

Amorah Quan Yin

A natural healer and psychic since birth, Amorah Quan Yin's life purpose is to return to Christ Consciousness and be an anchor for the Divine Plan on Earth. Her teachings, books and all of her actions are to assist in the movement toward completion of the karmic play-out on Earth and toward planetary ascension in grace and love.

Amorah was born in Kentucky. As a child, her clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience were active but these gifts gradually shut down when she entered public school and succumbed to peer pressure. At age sixteen, upon the death of her grandmother, her full sensory perception, as she prefers to call it, once again reopened. Sporadic experiences throughout her early adult years finally led to her spiritual awakening in early 1979. With her spiritual awakening came a natural healing ability.

Through books, classes, spiritual work with a teacher, and her own increasing awareness, Amorah broke away from traditional jobs in 1985 and began teaching workshops about using crystals and gemstones for healing and awakening. 

She also began to make and sell crystal jewelry at that time. Private healing sessions and teaching were intermingled with her other work until 1988 when she moved to Mount Shasta, California, and began building a full-time teaching and spiritual healing practice. Amorah is well respected and known as a very capable and gifted healer, seer and spiritual teacher in the Mt. Shasta area and internationally. Her limited private healing practice consists of individual sessions and private intensives done in person.

Amorah is founder of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School, contemporization of the ancient Lemurian and Egyptian Mystery School systems. There are also remnants from Native American, Delphi, Avalon, Mayan and other ancient spiritual cultures. She and those who have completed the mystery school trainings offer comprehensive Full Sensory Perception Trainings and Pleiadian Lightwork Intensives. The majority of the material she teaches is self-learned through her own spiritual practice and past-life recall, or channeled from her Higher Self, or Light Beings who are members of the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light.
Amorah is the author of:
Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution
The Pleiadian Workbook
The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook
Affinity - Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation"