Saturday, May 27, 2017

Your Biased Self  vs. Your True Self

Your Biased self will be Triggered. 
Your True Self will Not. 

By Bias I am referring to patterns, programs, habits, beliefs, and all that is programmed in  us that is NOT actually ours, yet we act as if it is ours and we trust our Triggers and we React to them as if it is our true self and our real belief system..

This is what we want to draw attention to and to STOP this biased self and make actual choices in the NOW, based on our True Self, based on what we REALLY want in the NOW, in the Real Self version of us, instead of the programs and patterns of the past (our Biased Self)

Most Triggers are automatic, they come up and you react from a place where you think you are acting / reacting / choosing of your own free will.
But you are really reacting / triggering from a place of past patterns, programs and instilled beliefs, of habit, of old energy.

You may feel as if you have no choice to change this. However, you have time, as you sit there, you see the Trigger and you can exercise free will and CHOICE as to whether or not you react / act upon the trigger.  By react I mean accept it as truth and get depressed, feel guilt or shame, feel bad in any way, yell or scream, fight and defend and other low vibration reactions. You can take a moment and sit quietly, feeling and knowing you are Triggered and face, heal the Trigger as it comes up.

For me it is best to remove myself from the room, the trigger and to go meditate, at least at first. Go to a room alone, play meditation music or something to focus your mind on and away from your thoughts. (More tricks on this later). I find it very helpful to play Rife healing sounds for Emotions.

Breath in way down deep and out over and over and then take a look at the Trigger. Look at what words come up to describe your reaction. Look at what excuses, reasons, beliefs come up to defend the Trigger / the reaction.   Is it rational?   Do you really believe it in the now.  What is the thought behind Triggering?  What made you trigger in regard to an outside force, energy or issue? Something outside of you, Some noise, action, person, word, animal, TRIGGERED YOU. Why?

From this point you can see the issue and feel mad, anger or whatever emotion it brings up. Then sit in your NOW, your total belief system and talk to that version of you. Does it make sense for that to have triggered you, is it even believable to this NOW version of you. Or was it a habit, a program, old beliefs, or patterns.

What would it feel like if you went Triggered by that particular thing. Try and see a version of you that was not triggered, what does that look like, feel like?

Ask Spirit to assist you to remove old beliefs, triggers, patterns, programs and REMOVE / Release this for every version of you in every reality, every lifetime, and through your ancestral line from the beginning of time, in any incarnation until this very moment.

State that you remove old programs, patterns, beliefs that cause this trigger. Ask Spirit to assist you.

See the part of your body that is holding that Trigger. Feel the pain, the block. See yourself grab it out and put it into a jar in front of you. Then blow the jar up, exploding into granules of Pure White Light.
Your every thought and every word chooses Realities stronger now than ever.  It is so important that we remain in choice, that we make sure we are actually choosing and not simply reacting as per past patterns and programs.

We really do have a choice as to whether we are TRIGGERED.

When Triggers Come Up we can say I see you, I know you are there, that is not who I am now, that is not mine. And by simply choosing to state this you change the energy, you take away the power of the Trigger.


Triggers are messages from your body. If you are Triggered then there is a deep program, pain, belief that has triggered you. Instead of reacting, ignoring, hurting, getting depressed, self loathing; go into the root issue, go into the location of the pain or belief in your body. Face it, see it, talk to it.

I have found that often when I do this, the original belief makes no sense in this reality. Kind of like using an old rotary dial phone to work a modern day cell phone. It is simply an old program, old invention that is of no use now. I convince it and me that it does not make sense and it goes away.

The next time it comes up, it is way less of a trigger, less pain, less reaction and I do the same thing. Eventually it goes away.

We are in an intense time of clearing. It is wonderful. We must look at every single trigger that comes up. This could be a whole lot in a day. Look at them, assess them, remove connected patterns. I declare so that my own ears can hear, that I revoke any and all past contracts I may have agreed to in any way, in any lifetime since the beginning of time until now, regarding this belief, pattern, trigger.  I ask Spirit to assist me.

I am not saying that you have to do things that trigger you, or be around noises, people or things that Trigger you. I am saying, we must deal with the wound of the Trigger, in this we CHOOSE the reality, the timeline that we really want to live in.

Once the Trigger is meditated on and removed for that day, you may decide that you don’t want to be around that person, event, animal, noise or whatever Triggered you. And that is fine, that is of high vibration. You are then CHOOSING, Acting from a place of choice and not a place of Trigger.

When you are reacting from a place of True Self, it will be a feeling, an intuition, a nudge, a knowing in which has no story with it. You just know. Ego may try and convince you not to listen to this intuitive knowing by feeding you a story, excuses, programs, biases.  Learn to Trust your True Self by first understanding what is your True Self and what is beliefs that are NOT Yours, Patterns, Old Paradigm contracts, thought addictions, and Programs.

*Reverend Crystal Cox

Saturday, May 13, 2017

"  A Golden Age does not just emerge out of the ethers.  It is created out of the intentions of thousands of souls who desire to progress into a higher dimension of consciousness

Many of you are now in the process of finding kindred souls all around the world so you can join forces to create your next dimensional shift individually and collectively as an entire planet. 

All of the cosmic energies that are streaming into your planet are here to assist you in taking your next steps to co-create a new Golden Age on Earth.  

~ The Cosmic World Mother "

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"Thousands upon thousands of you are remembering that you are here to be a more conscious part of co-creating your next cycle of being. In the new dawn of your individual and collective possibilities for shifting the consciousness of humanity out of the confines of its limiting third dimensional matrix, all of your unnecessary Earth memories are starting to burn away to make room for the phoenix that is surely rising out of the ashes of your past.

As you continue to embody more and more of your mastery, you have the opportunity to inspire others to become more active participants in their own awakening. You are all part of opening each other’s hearts and minds to the possibilities that lie before you during your pivotal Shift in the Ages.

A new world does not just appear out of nowhere, you are actually creating it everyday with where you are focusing your attention, your thoughts, your feelings and what you are communicating to others and how you are responding to what they are communicating to you. This includes what you are watching on television or seeing at the movies or what you are reading even casually, as creation has no beginning and no end. 

For wherever you place your attention, that is where your consciousness is and that is what you are creating more of in your atmosphere and placing into the collective consciousness of humanity!

You are now beyond the cusp of your new times and well within the Light and the Love that is literally magnetizing you into your greater potential for making a real difference in the world. 

You are being invited to become a living example of how to create from the consciousness of your own God Presence—no matter what is going on in the world around you. As you align with your Presence, you also become our emissaries on Earth and we are always here to assist you in your creations for reinstating Paradise on Earth.

Your conscious participation in creating your next cycle is also part of your Earth’s progression through the cosmos. 

You are all going through energetic portals of initiation with her that are adding much more light, wisdom and authentic power to your words and actions. As this continues throughout this year and beyond, each of you is moving into a greater alignment with your expanded potential for co-creating your new world. The Great Central Sun is showering you with more particles of Light than you have had in your world for thousands of yea

You do not automatically just wake up one day to a new world—it is consciously created. Yet we can tell you that you have known previous Golden Ages and those memories are now being stimulated based on the increases of Light that are now assisting in opening the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA. 

As your consciousness continues to open, you will start remembering how you once participated in creating Golden Age civilizations and how you were once a part of every kingdom living in paradise.

As you continue to transit from the old paradigm to the new, remember that you, beloveds, are the ones who are creating what you want to bring into your new world. 

You are now moving through a divine passage that is literally filling you with the Light and Love that you can now use to consciously begin creating your new Golden Age on Earth.

From Sharon Rose and Kamala Everett"

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