Love is your Home. Self Love Indeed. However, if you are in a relationship with someone, sharing your body, your time and energy, your life and very essence then that is home. If you do not feel at home with that person, or feel that you are loved, respected and truly connected then leave. There is no reason great enough to stay in a loveless, touchless marriage. NONE.
Some say, oh I stay for the kids, BULL.
If you do that then you teach your kids to settle for less then being truly loved, being touched and being best friends with whom they share themselves with. You teach them that settling is ok, and maybe even fighting daily or sarcasm. You are teaching them what love is. ~ Don’t you want them to know what being loved really looks like?
GIving them alleged illusions of stability does not make them better people, and does not teach them how to be happy, and have joy and a life they deserve. Stability is NOT as important as love, as touching, as laughter and real joy. Even if you live in your car with your child. WOW if you are laughing, playing, dancing, hugging and loving then you are giving them the WORLD. And all the skills they need to NOT live a lonely life of misery that often is dressed up as stability. ~ LOVE is HOME. Teach your Children that by your Living, Laughing, Loving Example. ~ Reverend Crystal Cox
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