I could be sitting here looking out from theses eyes, with this heart, this body from anywhere on Earth or really on other planets if I were to know how to go there, and then of course go there.
It is not important, seemingly, where my human body resides as I make my way through the Earth School. The school of contrast per say.
Our Human Vehicle has been known throughout human times to fade away and to not transcend with us. This go around, many say we will be taking our human vehicle with us.
However, this will be a choice and we may not choose such.
However, the point is, our true lessons are about ourself, not our hometown, blood lines, societal norms but instead branching out to find out about you without anyone else’s version of you, without what they expect or how they see you. To continually begin again in a new town, new place or just down the road. To be a different version of you every year or few years or decade and not cling to the fear of family, career, friends and delusions of ROOTS. When we transition, Death some call it. We take our experiences, our consciousness, and not necessarily our people, places, homes, and STUFF.
Starting over in new towns, new experiences, moving about and meeting new people, new ways. Watching different versions of human life and gathering experience, well there is great value in such, thought a challenge here on Earth for most.
With the Mandela Effect, the Quantum Leap to a Parallel Reality I know without a doubt that I have taken. I am not looking through the same eyes or heart Literally. However I am looking through the same Consciousness, my consciousness. Looking through my heart as emotions, beliefs and Truths.
I remain constantly aware of old patterns and programs and daily work to remove them, revoke them and run them off as I shed old timelines and ascend to new.
It does not matter where my human vehicle resides. The Consciousness looking out remains the same. So where do I feel the most comfortable to ride out this School of Earth Life and Graduate to the next level and get my Colors, as I move on to higher dimensions and frequencies?
Experiencing something New, laughing in new locations. Moving through realities and transcending human norms. A place to learn and laugh until the laughter fades then a new place to learn and laugh and experience the ways of the humans in that location, that place in time.
I really does not seem matters where I spent my time in Earth School. The Lessons and Learning continuing to roll out, Timelines continue to change per my perspective, thoughts, beliefs and actions. I suppose simply experiencing different things, people, cultures, ways of life is the best way to gather up lessons in this Earth School.
Expansion is Key. Whereby I am expanding my perception, my perspective, my views, my beliefs and growing amazing strength not based in career, family, home, safet, ownership of parcels of Mother Earth, and the illusion of security.
My Experience of Earth Life is Interdimensionally Unique, that is for sure. I know my Truth and well in that I move along in their world, gathering experience and trying to keep afloat in their customs, ways, acceptance of how things should be and debt slave society.
~ Reverend Crystal Cox
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