This presentation of The Jefferson Bible offers the text as selected and arranged by Jefferson in two separate editions: one edition uses a revised King James Version of the biblical texts, corrected in accordance with the findings of modern scholarship; the second edition uses the original unrevised KJV. The actual verses of the Bible used for both editions are those chosen by Jefferson. Visitors should find the revised KJV text much easier to read and understand. Those seeking the precise English version Mr. Jefferson used when making his compilation can click on "Unrevised KJV text."
- Early Years and Ministry [Unrevised KJV text]
- Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem, where Jesus is born; He is circumcised and named and they return to Nazareth. At 12 years of age, he accompanies his parents to Jerusalem and returns. John baptises in Jordan. Jesus is baptised at 30 years of age. He drives the traders out of the temple. He baptises but retires into Galilee on the death of John. He teaches in the Synagogue, explains the Sabbath. Call of his disciples.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- The sermon on the mount.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- The sermon on the mount (continued).
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- Exhortations. A woman anointeth him. Precepts. Parable of the rich man.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- Precepts. Parable of the Sower. Parable of the Tares.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- Precepts. Parable of new wine in old bottles. A prophet hath no honor in his own country. Mission, instruction, and return of apostles.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- Precepts. Parable of the wicked servant. Mission of the Seventy. The feast of the tabernacles.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- The woman taken in adultery. To be born blind is no proof of sin. The good shepherd. Love God and thy neighbor. Parable of the Samaritan. Form of prayer.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- The Sabbath. The bidden to a feast. Precepts. Parables of the lost sheep and the Prodigal son.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- Parable of the unjust steward. Parable of Lazarus. Precepts: to be always ready. Parables of the widow and judge, the Pharisee and Publican. Precepts.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- Precepts. Parable of the laborers in the vineyard. Zaccheus, and the parable of the talents.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- Goes to Jerusalem and Bethany. The traders cast out from the temple. Parable of the two sons. Parable of the vineyard and husbandmen. Parable of the king and the wedding feast. On tribute, marriage, and resurrection. The two greatest commandments.
- Teachings and Parables [Unrevised KJV text]
- Precepts: pride, hypocrisy, swearing. The widow's mite. Jerusalem and the day of judgment. The faithful and wise servant.
- The End Times [Unrevised KJV text]
- Parable of the ten virgins. The parable of the talents. The day of judgment.
- The Betrayal [Unrevised KJV text]
- A woman anointeth him. Judas undertakes to point out Jesus. Precepts to his disciples. Washes their feet. Troubled of mind, and prayer.
- Arrest and Condemnation [Unrevised KJV text]
- Judas conducts the officers to Jesus. He is arrested and carried before Caiaphas the High Priest and is condemned. He is then carried to Pilate, who sends him to Herod.
- Crucifixion, Death and Burial [Unrevised KJV text]
- Pilate receives him back, scourges and delivers him to execution. His crucifixion, death and burial.
PDF of the Jefferson Bible
PDF of the Jefferson Bible
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