Sunday, May 4, 2014

Take a Stand for the Mother's Religion; Bringing Back Goddess Church. Spirituality and Sexuality are ONE. Freedom of Choice; Freedom of Religion is for ALL Consenting.

A Free Body * No one controls your physical self.
Free Speech * No one inserts their words in your story.
Free Energy * No one manipulates the way your energy flows.

Free to Connect * No one dictates religious worship
or private ritual between consenting adults.

Full legal protections for all female clergy
equal to that enjoyed by mullahs, rabbis and priests.
Fair and equal treatment under the law for tantra congregations
who worship God and Goddess in Sacred UNION.

Would you like to help restore feminine spiritual authority in the United States? We define God as both Mother and Father. Nearly all places of worship are dedicated to study of "God the Father". To worship and study the Mother Goddess is to honor your own body as the sacred vessel for your soul's journey on earth.  

Lend your signature to the as we fight a legal battle to restore freedom in the holy body and conscious direction of your own life energy. We believe that everyone has a personal inner knowing of Divine Source. and that everyone can access this direct connect through energy and light. The Mother's religion guides people to greater understanding of the sacredness of sexuality, in full equality of God and Goddess, Co-Creators of All-that-is.

Sign our petition here to help us to persuade the American Civil Liberties Union to file a lawsuit to restore our constitutional rights. Once we have 10,000+ signatures we're on our way!  In just seconds your signature can help us get the legal aid we need!  An ACLU victory will provide legal precedent that gives the Mother's religion equal legal consideration with the "God-the-Father" churches, mosques, synagogues and temples.

You Are Well-Come!

Our temple is an open source for all who wish to better know the Great Mother and her unique gifts for healing body, mind and soul. We seek to help women, men and couples discover their own divine connection between soul, light body and sacred vessel. Ours is the universe of the Ma-Matter-Mother! We offer group classes and one-on-one teachings and training, play shops and internships, all designed to bring HER wisdom back in this modern era. 
Our teachings are body centric, emanating from the resonating vessel, which is your own Sacred Self. We see the beauty of every person's story in every age, body shape, color and gender. 
Our healing practices make use of the gifts of the Goddess, tools for transformation that have been with humanity since the very beginning. We bring to you the Mother's bosom and body, the healing power of nurturing touch, sacred plant use (herbs & foods, essential oils, crystals & stones) together with sounds, music, and love. We also work with the Father's gifts of intention, will, self-direction and positive light polarity.
As a Neo Tantra Temple, we bring together many traditions which guide us into right and loving use of the life force within our bodies. 
As Priests & Priestesses, we conduct this heavenly light into the physical plane, likewise, we lift form into higher frequencies of heaven! This up-down pillar of light exchanges continuously between heaven and earth, body, soul and Source. You can feel whole and happy again in your body, you can feel safe with or without a partner near by. Your special matrix in this life source is YOURS to conduct and belongs to none other.
We invite you to:
  • Relax deeply on the Altar of the Light Body in the candle-lit Transformation Chamber
  • Feel the light of your own soul, located in your solar plexus
  • Experience your light body and feel the chakra wheels spinning your self into physical existence
  • Feel the magnetic polarity between men and women
  • Learn to conduct and direct this powerful life force energy in closed 'conduits' which magnify feeling
  • Experience an exhilarating shift in your energy field and come away happy and refreshed!! No part of you is ever left out when you are in the presence of the Mother, our Divine Creatrix of physical form.

Phoenix Goddess Temple on KFNX Radio

Goddess Tracy and Goddess Radha were privileged to share the Temple live on KFNX radio with the Phoenix area. 

It was a fantastic opportunity for us to share our message of love and healing through a new medium, the airwaves. 
We were able to make great strides in sharing what the Temple is and what it is not. 

We feel confident that educating the general public about Tantra and our practices is the best way to grow our message and extend our reach even further into the community.
Here is the audio from the show, please enjoy and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Click to download in MP3 format (29.84MB)

Great Goddess Temple

In the beginning, there was but 1 source for all
The 1 expressed as 2 * Yin & Yang, Darkness & Light, Moon & Sun, Goddess and God
God and Goddess
Source and Form
Ma - Matter - Mother She is what IS.
The world is full of churches, mosques, synagogues and temples dedicated to God the Father, the Divine Masculine Source. Associated with the Light and the Beginning, the masculine aspect of Source is also the Sun, with the complement of the Moon's reflecting light in the deep night sky.

Our temple is dedicated to discovering and uplifting the Feminine Face of God-dess,
She IS who and what shows up in the world of 3rd dimensional form.
With her we have a body, a place to stand and sustenance for our dance in the material realm.
Without her, we have light of soul, connection to source, but no body with which to enter this play we call Earth.
The Great Mother invites you to know her in the way she loves best! Through touch and actual presence, gentle guidance and unfoldment into your own true self."

Spirituality and Sexuality are Sacred, and they are Divinely Connected.

Bringing Back Goddess Church

Reverend Crystal Cox
Life Force Energy, Dissolve Separation, Sexuality is SACRED. Take the SHAME from Sexuality and STOP separating Sexuality and Spirituality and We Heal the World.

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