Don’t Linger One Minute in an Environment that Does NOT “feel” Right, Period. This is YOUR Life and You are Creating More of what you are choosing and allowing RIGHT NOW.
It is NOT a healthy environment for you nor of a high vibration or high frequency to live with someone who has an opinion that they verbally express and interject on to your every move; what you cook, where you put stuff, whether your blinds are open, what you drink, what you eat, what exercise you do or don't do, where you put things in the fridge, how you wash dishes, where you place dishes, how you cook, what you cook in, how you cut vegetables, where you place things in the kitchen, or anything else they “like” and you don’t and they have a constant opinion and words at you to attempt to train you, manage you, teach you, force you to like things done how they like things done. Whether they will ever admit it or not this is CONTROLLING, it is abusive and YOU MUST LEAVE that Energy.
You have a divine right to have “things” in your personal space, how “you” like and not have someone else’s constant opinion about how you do things. It is not about a right way or a wrong way. The way you want and like is the way you want and like. If it is a “house rule” and you choose to oblige then ok, as long as they tell you this is how it needs to be done, if that don’t work for you then you can choose to leave. However, it’s not ok to not say this is a rule to live here but instead to constantly try and train you to like something you don’t or do things a way that is not how you would like it done. If you allow this you are allowing someone to oppress and control you, Period.
This is NOT healthy, even if a lover, a child, a parent, a roommate or ANYONE. Make a plan and find a way to LEAVE THAT ENERGY. If you don't then you will never know or allow yourself to live your authentic true self or live in a way of how you would like to do things, how you want to live, how you feel is best for you if left with pure choice and total free will.
You have a Divine Right to be in your natural state, a peaceful state, and to enjoy your personal space where you choose to live without the constant out loud interjected opinion of someone else, anyone, constantly or even most of the time around you expressing what they need, how they like things done, and passive aggressive chatter as to how you should be doing things or liking things. This is abusive, this is Controlling PERIOD.
Even when they are not home you are suppressed, fearful, oppressed, heavy hearted, walking on the proverbial eggshells to try and do things the way they “like” them done with no regard as to how you “like” those same things done.
You will stress, worry and contemplate what they might say when they get home, when they get up, and this will put you in a constant state of stress, of passive fear, and is not healthy for you nor of a high vibration or high frequency for YOU personally. You Must LEAVE.
If you stay you will find yourself constantly trying to please them, to actually please them, and to live YOUR LIFE how “they like” thereby abandoning your TRUE SELF, sacrificed to an ENERGY you gave your power to by not LEAVING.
You will constantly make sure they are “ok” and happy and things are as “they like” regardless of what you want or like. You will live to Please Them. Many Mothers do this to us and we keep it in our body, even more so a reason to CHOOSE as an Adult with the power to move about in this life, to CHOOSE to LEAVE.
They won’t state to you what needs to be done or we can’t be in the same home or you can’t live here if.., they won’t directly tell you what they need from you, instead they will continually state how they like things done while you are doing things the way that you like or want or in a way that please you.
Don’t stay with someone who blocks your every choice and stalls your every move with their needs, thoughts, beliefs, shoulds, oughts or how “they like to do things” and interferes with your personal choices, independence and privacy simply by a constant opinion, word, interaction or need from you.
It is controlling when they don’t make it a “RULE” you do those certain things those certain ways but still expect you do to them and if you don’t they state over and over the way they like to do it. Thus forcing you to do as “they like” even if you do “not like” it done that way. This is extremely oppressive. This creates a constant authority figure over you. This is NOT of a High Vibration nor will staying in this environment assist or nourish you to be your TRUE Self, your Free Self, your High Vibrating Loving Peaceful REAL SELF, with no explanation needed as to why you are who you are or like what you like.
They need to be the boss of someone and control everything around them, fine, that’s what they need. But that is NOT what you Need. You Must LEAVE.
I have witnessed a lot of Mother's this way, many adult children, spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, roommates, bosses, colleagues, and other people in my observation and personal experience. This is NOT Ok. This is not healthy for you nor of a high vibration. This will Keep your REAL TRUE SELF in a Cage. Choose Different. Pray for a way out, Make a Plan. LEAVE.
Don’t Cage YOURSELF. You do not have to make excuses, have a reason, explain yourself or your needs. You have a right to LEAVE. You are a Grown Up. LEAVE.
They will make every reason why your feelings are irrational and untrue. They are NOT. Your Feelings are exactly true for YOU. You don't need a reason, just Leave. You don't have to Explain, Validate, Coddle, or ask permission.
They will tell you that you are flat out wrong and they are not doing what you think or feel they are. SO WHAT. Trust your Feelings for you. LEAVE.
If you don't do this then you are settling for CONSTANT oppression. As you feel it even when they are not home or asleep, it is constant and it stresses your body, oppresses your health, holds your truth in a cage, and is Death of your soul, your life force and truth and by your own permission as you know how to stop it. LEAVE and Make No Excuses. Period.
In Peace, Love, Courage and Light
~ Reverend Crystal Cox
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