Friday, May 20, 2016

You are NOT Truly Alive if you Value other People's version of you over YOUR Version of You.

You are letting the expectations of others, their words, their version of you kill you. Kill your spirit, drain your energy, and take your life force.

You are willing to give your life for their approval, though you will NEVER get their approval.

Yes you may be walking around, living, breathing, and think you are ALIVE. But you are not. You are walking dead per say. You are going through the motions but you are letting someone in your life, or a version of them in your head and heart suck the life out of you EVERY SINGLE DAY.

If you are not doing what you want with your life, you are constantly seeking approval of others, you feel like you are not "good enough" to do what you really want with your life, then you are NOT Alive. You are simply a life force that is feeding those who have Expectations of you, Realities of you and versions of you that are not in alignment with you know yourself to be, want to be, dream of being or need to be.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

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