Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Fabric of Reality Shifted or Overlapped with Other Realities. Many people, a LOT of People experience what they are now calling the Mandela Effect, whereby they remember thing that are just not true in this reality.

I studied the Mandela Effect today, and WOW. What Reality am I in?

I remember Jiffy peanut butter, Oscar Meyer, Charles Schultz,the Berenstein bears, Oreo Double Stuff, Legos, Muhammed Ali's Death, Anheiser Busch, Evil Kneivel, Captain Crunch, Fruit Loops, sketchers, life is like a box of chocolates, Luke - I am your father, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, if you build it they will come and hundreds more of these examples I have found today.

I did not know that they don't exist in the reality that I am in now. It is a very VERY odd feeling as my memory is VERY good.  I did not know they changed and remember them the other way, CLEARLY remember.

Some of the stuff I remember from the now version and some from what is not there. How Odd.

I always say and have for decades, If you build it they will come. It's been a business motto I have used over and over and told to perspective clients, to those looking to build a ministry, a building, businesses and so many other things.

I, and so many I have known have always said mamma always said life is like a box of chocolates. Well according to a video below, check it out at the bottom of the post, those sayings never existed.

I have a photographic memory and can bring up the things that are examples such as the Berenstein Bears and well all of the examples that I am familiar with I can bring up the picture in my mind, my photographic memory.

I thought some of the stuff like Jiffy peanut butter was a brand change, a label change. I did not know that it never existed as I know for certain it did.

Anyway, check out this article and the videos and link below and see what you think.

"The Mandela Effect was first described online in 2010, by a blogger named Fiona Broome. Broome described an experience at a convention called Dragon Con, where she discovered that others had a false memory similar to hers, which was that Nelson Mandela had died during his imprisonment in the 1980s.

See, I thought Nelson Mandela died in prison. I thought I remembered it clearly, complete with news clips of his funeral, the mourning in South Africa, some rioting in cities, and the heartfelt speech by his widow.

Then, I found out he was still alive.

Fiona recounted discovering many widely held alternative memories, including those of Star Trek episodes that had never actually existed, and the death of the Reverend Billy Graham.

In 2012, another blogger named Reece, who wrote on the Blogger site Woodbetweenworlds, expressed a similar idea, but this time about the spelling of a popular children’s book series, The Berenstain Bears.

And then I saw the book covers. The ones in the squiggly bubble letters from the childhood. The ones I saw a hundred times a month from the formative ages of 5 to 9. The ones that every 20-something in the world will tell you read “Berenstein Bears”.

Except they don’t read “Berenstein”. They read “Berenstain”.

Reece is a physicist, and he went on to describe a theory of the universe that would account for the Mandela Effect, based on a 4-dimensional universe.

I propose that the universe is a 4-dimensional complex manifold. If you don’t se habla math jargon, that means I propose the 3 space dimensions and the 1 time dimensions are actually in themselves complex, meaning they take values of the form a+ib, part “real” and part “imaginary”.

Within this 4D manifold, there are sixteen hexadectants (like quadrants, but 16 of them), corresponding to whether we consider only the real or imaginary part of each of the four dimensions.

In our particular hexadectant, the three space dimensions are real, and the time dimension is imaginary.

Both the original post by Fiona Broome and by Reece have received hundreds of comments, and the Mandela Effect has received a significant amount of media attention, first by Buzzfeed in 2014 and then by many other media outlets in 2015, including Vice, The Onion A.V. Club, Seventeen Magazine, and WGN-TV. The reddit community /r/mandelaeffect was created in December of 2013, and has since grown to 5,163 readers; this area and the comments section of the Mandela Effect blog are where many users go to share their alternate group memories and seek out new ones.

Some of the most popular false group memories include:

• The death of Nelson Mandela during his imprisonment in the 1980s
• The spelling of the children’s book series “Berenstain Bears” as “Berenstein Bears.”
• The countries of Sri Lanka and New Zealand being located in different places on the planet.
• The number of American states being 51 or 52.

In addition, many users have tried to find proof of past information that would have given them the false memories. They claim that the proof either vindicates their memory as the “correct” version, or that it proves the above theory of the universe."


Proof Of The Mandela Effect In Action, Berenstein / Berenstain Bears

Alternate Histories, Parallel Universes, and the Mandela Effect

More Research Links on the Mandela Effect / Alternate Histories

The Mandela Effect!! Mind Blowing Changes In Our Current Reality!!!
The Fabric of Reality Shifted or Overlapped with Other Realities

Parallel Universe Mandela effect real we have moved universes
shows major body differences

How to Know When You're Living in Parallel Quantum Universes

The Mandela Effect More Examples/6 Revised

The Mandela Effect - Comprehensive List of Examples

Mandela Effect - Brady Bunch Parallel Universe Proof (Must See)

Documented Time Slips

Mandela Effect and CERN

Remember that movie I remember as Second Earth
here it is called Another Earth,  Where we all have a double
on a second Earth, here is the Trailer
(maybe both are assimilating)

Websites and Posts

I remember noting Jiffy changing to Jif, I just thought it was a product change and never once thought that Jiffy did not exist

Nelson Mandela Didn’t Die in Prison, and Why it Matters

"I wonder just how many people have been locked away as insane or been driven insane by a Mandela Effect Event (MEE). A person that experienced a MEE of such a major part of their life or memory did not fit in with this world could in fact lose their mind. You wake up one morning and you find your self living in a different house or driving a different car. Or you live in New York and do not see the Twin Towers. They were there yesterday but you learn all about 9/11 for the first time almost 16 years after it happened. Or it may not be something that big just a hundred small things all at once. How and could the human mind handle this? Or would it fail? I am not saying that every one locked up as insane is a victim of a MEE but I have to wonder how many that are? Even just one would be one too many. To lock up a sane person and treat them as insane would be a torture beyond imagination. It would not be long until they were insane."

Source and very interesting Discussion

What’s Sliding – Your Consciousness, Memories, or Body?

Cynthia Sue Larson




We Live in Multiple Timelines ALL at the Same Time. What timeline or experience we have, based on the potential that is there, is all about our thoughts. Our thoughts create the timelines in which we move into, live in, exist in.

Movies such as Instersteller, the Matrix, Frequency, Tomorrowland and other movies and information regarding many, if not all timelines existing at once and that change in one timeline can effect change in another timeline.

In the Movie Frequency both father and son remember both timelines, the other people involved in their lives and surroundings only remember the one timeline. Interesting things to think about.

Lot's To Think About

#MandelaEffect #SecondEarth

Monday, May 23, 2016

So Odd, they claim God as a Supreme Being but they Trust the Corporation of the United States for their Food and Medicine and NOT this God they claim to love, honor and have Faith in.

They march for cures, give their time and money to causes for cures. When there has always been cures for every ailment. We came to Earth with cures in place. If you fight, fight for the RIGHT to control your own health, body and life, NOT for CURES. Fight the Corporation of the United States that CONTROLS Known Cures and Keeps you sick. Don't FIGHT to Find a Cure that already exists and always has.

We don't need Man to tell us what cures we are ALLOWED to use. Yet people let them rule over them. They claim Faith in the Almighty God but do not use Herbs, God Given Plants, Pure Water, Clean Air, Clean Food as their cure, their lifestyle. Instead they Trust in Man and ignore what God / the Divine / Goddess gave them, and the tools to heal they had all along.

They are RULED by man, by statutes of a corporation called the United States and they Do not ALLOW Divine Law to rule their heart, their life, their business, their relationships or their sacred health.   ~ RCC

Friday, May 20, 2016

You are NOT Truly Alive if you Value other People's version of you over YOUR Version of You.

You are letting the expectations of others, their words, their version of you kill you. Kill your spirit, drain your energy, and take your life force.

You are willing to give your life for their approval, though you will NEVER get their approval.

Yes you may be walking around, living, breathing, and think you are ALIVE. But you are not. You are walking dead per say. You are going through the motions but you are letting someone in your life, or a version of them in your head and heart suck the life out of you EVERY SINGLE DAY.

If you are not doing what you want with your life, you are constantly seeking approval of others, you feel like you are not "good enough" to do what you really want with your life, then you are NOT Alive. You are simply a life force that is feeding those who have Expectations of you, Realities of you and versions of you that are not in alignment with you know yourself to be, want to be, dream of being or need to be.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Power of Women in Celtic Society: Female Druids

"In ancient Celtic society the Druids and Druidesses composed an intellectual elite, whose knowledge and training placed them as priests of the Celtic religion. 

Their training normally lasted over twenty years and consisted of the memorization of literature, poetry, history, and Celtic law as well as astronomy.

The Druids mediated for their people, preformed sacrifices, interpreted omens, and presided over religious ceremonies.  They believed that the soul did not die with the body, but passed on to another.

The mistletoe and the oak tree are great symbols for them.  In fact, the word Druid was derived from the word for oak, which in Gaelic is darach and in Greek drus (Spence, p.14).

According to Pliny's accounts "The Druids held nothing more sacred than the mistletoe and the tree that bears it, always supposing that tree to be the oak.

They chose groves formed of oaks for the sake of the tree alone, and they never perform any of their rites except in the presence of a branch of it," (Spence, p.79).

The first observations of the Celts by ancient sources do not speak of the presence of women as priestesses or seeresses (Jones, p.84).  "The Druids and their associated male colleges, the Vates and the Bards, seem to have monopolized the field" (Jones, p.84).

These Roman observers, products of a male dominated culture which may have marred their observations, may not have taken note of the Celtic females in roles of power.

The Roman men thought of women as possessions so as a result the thought of women in public positions, such as ruler or chieftain, was preposterous to them.

Finally in the first century CE, Tacitus reported "that the Celts made no distinction between male and female rulers" (Jones, p.85).

Since Druids committed very little to written forms until after the introduction of Christianity, there are few, if any, first-hand accounts by Celts themselves.  Only the myths that have been transmitted through the accounts of the Romans and Christian monks have survived.

Legend has mystified many of the female rulers of ancient Celtic society; giving them mystical powers and making their lives seem too extraordinary to seem true.

As a result it is very difficult for people today to know if these women truly did have such powers or if they were indeed Druidesses.

Women such as Boudica, Onomaris, and other nameless rulers/Druidesses whose burial tombs were found at Vix and Reinham show that Celtic women, in some instances, may have wielded power as much as men, but the evidence remains difficult to decipher.

Druidesses are most often mentioned through fictional references such as the myth of Finn.  He was raised by a Druidess or "wise woman" (term that refers to a "females seer) along with another woman by the request of his mother and their "bondwoman", Muirna.

 "The Druidess and the wise woman taught Finn war craft, hunting, and fishing (the survival arts), and also acted as guards and advisors, warning him of danger" (Green, p.101).

According to Green the position of these women is curious since most Irish Druids lived mainly to serve religious duties and held great authority among their people while these women were obviously in a subservient position.  This may be so because of the almost divine rank of Finn’s family (Green, p.102).

In other instances, however, the only reference to women with great power is through the term sorcereress.  Fedelma, a "woman from the Fairy, or the Otherworld" (Green, p.102) was a part of the mystical Queen Medb of Connacht’s court. "Fedelma first appeared to Medb as a beautiful young girl, armed and riding in a chariot" (Green, p.102) wearing a red embroidered tunic, sandals with gold clasps and a "speckled cloak."
She informed the Queen that she had studied poetry and prophecy in Alba, "a supernatural land belonging to Scáthach" and then warned her of the advances of Cú Chulainn.

Medb then asked the girl if she had the power of ‘sight,’ Fedelma affirmed this and told Medb the chilling prophecy of her troops "I see crimson, I see it red."  Her prophecy came true, Medb lost the battle and Cú Chulainn perished.

Other tales of the Druidesses that have survived often include the subject of sacrifice.  "They were grey with age, and wore white tunics and over these, cloaks of finest linens and girdles of bronze.  Their feet were bare.

These women would enter the [army] camp, sword in hand and go up to the prisoners, crown them, and then lead them up to a bronze vessel. . . One woman would mount a step and, leaning over the cauldron, cut the throat of a prisoner [of war], who was held over the vessel’s rim.  Others cut open the body and, after inspecting the entrails, would foretell victory for their countrymen" (Green, p.97).

Druids had many responsiblities, but their main duty, especially with the centralization of Celtic society, became to advise Kings and Queens.  Dreams and prophecies were questioned by royalty for their significance and they interpreted events in various kingdoms.  As a result, the power of the Druids and Druidesses was very great for not only were they the sole priests of Celtic religion, but they also held great sway in political matters. "


The Fall of the Druidesses

Witches:  The Legacy of the Druidesses

Female Druids

the Female Druid

Women Druids

Female Druids

Kryon "Evolution Revealed"

I am not bothered or strayed by what ANYONE thinks of me. 

I am unchanged by anyone's version of who I am or who I should be.

I am not afford to "feel stupid" or look "crazy". I am Free.

Free in my every expression, my perceived reality and my interpretation of past, future and present.

I respect myself, my choices, my heart, my core and my own TRUTH. I am Awake.

I Reject Darkness in every form it may attempt to present itself.

I know the constant Truth of God, Goddess, Life Death for Certain.

I am unafraid of Death, Rejection by Naysayers, Dark energy trying to capture my light.

I have the clear and certain Tools of Light.

I know who I am without the constraints of human perception.

I see through time and fully in the now. I sit in this body, as in many other incarnations at once and I am at Peace with the Truth I know regardless of the naysayers and hoards of energy perceiving me as "crazy", "wrong" or "off" in some way as per their version of human life and their view or perception of "Reality".

I Believe in the Light. I sit in the Light. 
I know and love the Light. 
I Live the Light.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

Kryon "24-7 & The Coming Tools" 2016

Female Druids, the Forgotten Priestesses of the Celts

"In medieval Irish legends they were called Banduri or Bandorai. Their existence was confirmed by ancient Greek and Roman writers. But who were the legendary female Druids?
The Druids were the ancient religious leaders, scientists and researchers of the Celtic society. For centuries, there was a common misconception that Druids were only male. However, numerous historical records attest to the fact that there were in fact women among their ranks.  

The Wise Ones of Celtic society

The term ''Druid'' comes from the Indo-European word ''deru”, which means ''the truth'' or ''true''. This word has evolved into the Greek term ''drus'', meaning ''oak''.
The Druids were the intellectual elite. Being a Druid was a tribal function, but they were also poets, astronomers, magicians, and astrologers. It took them 19 years to gain the necessary knowledge and skills in alchemy, medicine, law, the sciences, and more. They organized intellectual life, judicial processes, had skills to heal people, and were involved in developing strategies for war. They were an oasis of wisdom and highly respected in their society
"The Druidess", oil on canvas, by French painter Alexandre Cabanel (1823–1890)
"The Druidess", oil on canvas, by French painter Alexandre Cabanel (1823–1890) (Public Domain)

Roman Accounts of the Druidesses

Gaius Julius Caesar was fascinated with the Druids. He wrote that they were scientists, theologians, and philosophers, and acquired knowledge that was extraordinary. According to experts in Caesar's writings, the great Roman leader was well aware of the female Druids. Unfortunately, most of the Roman writers ignored women in general, so it is not easy to find reference to them in historical texts. However, Strabo wrote about a group of religious women who lived on an island near the Loir River. In ‘Historia’, Augusta is a description of Diocletian, Alexander Severus and Aurelian, who discussed their problems with the female Druids.
Strabo as depicted in a 16th-century engraving.
Strabo as depicted in a 16th-century engraving. (Public Domain)
Tacitus mentioned female Druids describing the slaughter of the Druids by Romans on the island of Mona in Wales. According to his description there were women known as Banduri (female Druids), who defended the island and cursed the black clad. Tacitus also observed that there was no distinction between the male and female rulers, and that the female Celts were very powerful.
Map  of the island of Mona, 1607.
Map  of the island of Mona, 1607. (Public Domain)
According to Plutarch, female Celts were nothing like Roman or Greek women. They were active in negotiating treaties and wars, and they participated in assemblies and mediated quarrels. According to the ‘Pomponius Mela’, virgin priestesses who could predict the future lived on the island of Sena, in Brittany.
Cassius Dio mentioned a Druidess named Ganna. She went on an official trip to Rome and was received by Domitian, the son of Vespasian. According to the description of the Battle of Moytura, two Druidesses enchanted the rocks and the trees, in order to support the Celtic army.

Famous Druidesses

According to the Irish traditions, there were two main names of the Druid women: baduri and the banfilid, meaning female poets. Most of the names of the female Druids stay forgotten. The name Fedelma was recorded in ancient texts, as a woman in the court of Queen Medb of Connacht, who was a “banfili”. She lived in the 10th century AD in Ireland.
Queen Maev by J. C. Leyendecker.
Queen Maev by J. C. Leyendecker. (Public Domain)
The most famous descendant of a Druid woman was Queen Boudicca, whose mother was a banduri.  Boudicca was a queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe. She led an uprising against the Romans in the 1st century AD. Researchers still argue whether Boudicca was a Druid too.

The Worship of Goddesses

The Druidesses worshipped goddesses, and celebrated with feasts in different months and seasons.  One of the deities they worshipped, the goddess Brighid, was later adopted by Christian nuns as ‘Saint Brigid’.
Saint Brigid.
Saint Brigid. (Public Domain)

The Archeological Footsteps of the Druidesses

Archeologists have discovered several proofs for the existence of the female Druids. Many female burials have been discovered in Germany between the two rivers Rhine and Moselle. The women who were buried there were dated back to circa 4th century BC, and they were buried with lots of treasures, jewelry and other precious objects. Some of them were buried with a special torque on the chest, which are symbols of status. According to researchers, only a Druidess could have a high enough status to receive a burial like this. Two burials located in the Vix in Burgundy, France and Reinham in Germany were dated back to the 5th century BC, and almost certainly belonged to female Druids.
A Gorgon head is on the outside of each of the krater's three handles found in Vix, Burgundy, France.
A Gorgon head is on the outside of each of the krater's three handles found in Vix, Burgundy, France. (CC BY-SA 2.5)
Moreover, on the Rue de Récollets, in Metz, France, there was discovered an inscription dedicated to the female Druid in honor of the God Sylvanus. It is difficult to confirm which of the noble Celtic women were really Druids, but it is believed that most of the well educated women whose graves contained luxury goods were the elite of their tribes and quite possibly Druids.

The Heritage of Ancient Druidesses

The Romans killed many Druids and destroyed many of their books. The Roman Catholic church believed that female Druids were sorcerers and witches in cooperation with the devil. They also saw the knowledge of the Celts as a huge danger for their domination. The well-known Saint Patrick burned more than a hundred Druid books, and destroyed many places connected with the old cult.
However, Druidism has never fully disappeared. Nowadays, many people still try to follow the ancient tradition. Many researchers continue to work to rediscover the ancient wisdom of the Druids.
Featured image: Consulting the Oracle by John William Waterhouse, showing eight priestesses in a temple of prophecy. Source: Public Domain


Miranda Aldhouse-Green, Exploring the World of the Druids. 1997.
Ward Rutherford, The Druids and their Heritage, 1978.

Source of Article Click Below for More