known as the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. These star gates embody a very intricate
system of energy which, when passed through, activates codes within you that allow the
next level of your divine healing to be activated.
Today we take you through the divine healing of that first pathway of your twelve, the
first seven imprints you received within the chakras. These imprints are what you are now
having to attend to, which represent this phase of patience leading up to the change you
wait for. So let us delay no longer.
Centre yourself within the knowing that there is a power and force of light greater than
your ego, greater than your fears currently working within your energy field. Breathe that
knowing into the cells of your body. While you are breathing, open your energy field to
welcome the presence of the Star Goddess Li-Ha as well as the seven Goddesses of the
Pleiades who guard the star gates into the Pleiades.
Imagine their energy igniting like flames of illumination in each of the seven chakras of
your body and each flame being an acknowledgement of the knowledge and the power,
the wisdom and the truth you already embody.
Allow yourself to surrender to this energy. The more you surrender and let go the lighter
your energy becomes making way for your personal guides, angels and masters to step
into your energy field and into the sacred space that contains your hopes, your wishes,
your desires and intentions. They fill the sacred space containing all of that vibrant
energy with an exquisite starlight energy which adds depth and light to every single one
of those dreams, wishes, visions, desires and intentions amplifying the vibrations of those
which are most important at this time. All you need to do is imagine that light penetrating
the core of those energies. "
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