You are Loved
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Pastor Crystal L. Cox ~ Go within, the REAL Holy War is within. Know YOURSELF without a Doubt. Have Clear Intent ~ by Reverend Crystal Cox. Goddess BLESS You.
Crystal L. Cox ~ Lightworkers AWAKEN. Do what you Came here to do. Don't sit in Fear and Spread Fear by Reverend Crystal Cox.
Audio Only
Crystal L. Cox ~ the Sacred Living of Every Day ~ Reverend Crystal Cox on Sacred and Spiritual in Every Moment
Audio Only
It is Imperative that you know who you ARE, know your TRUTH for you.
What you Focus on you Create in your Life, you Manifest in your Life and you Live.
What you have in the "works" of your own thoughts creates your day, your energy field and what you attract into your life.
Focus on what you want your life to be. Focus on what you DO want, all day as much as you can. Do NOT focus on what you don't want in your life. Even if you are thinking and focusing on what you want instead of what is at this moment.
Let you Mind be ALIVE and Vibrant with the JOY of what you like, what makes you feel good, what feels RIGHT for you, happy and GOOD. Don't ever entertain a thought that makes you feel bad. If one sneaks in, quickly move to something that feels good, Anything, if only a favorite place, meal or experience. Whatever brings you a joyous feeling, move to that quickly.
When you HEAL, you are healing for all lifetimes since the beginning of Creation. Be gentle on yourself and keep at the FOCUS of what you want, what feels GOOD and simply do not give THOUGHT to anything that feels bad to you.
Goddess Bless You,
Reverend Crystal Cox
Bringing Back Goddess Church
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Crystal L. Cox ~ ALL who View this blog post will see INSTANT manifestation in their life and body in every way, of every thought they have ever had about Crystal L. Cox
“We are united by the disrespect of the government, the lack of consultations, the destruction of our lands.”
AND the Matriarch Rises to DEFEND Mother Earth ; Goddess Gaia.
The Feminine Divine is rising to STOP the blatant cruel destruction of Mother Earth.
"“You have no right to destroy our river. The mothers of the Xingu will not allow it.”
No fancy worded pieces of legal paper or laws or money gives anyone the “right” to egregiously impose themselves and their ways on other people and the land they live on.
This is the process of colonization and is always done with violence because people don’t like it, and resist when strangers try to take their home away and tell them to live a different way.
This is genocide against people, culture, land, and the many non-human animals also living on the land. This is happening on any Indigenous lands deemed desirable by outsiders for its “resources”, and this is what is happening on the Xingu River Basin of Brazil.
For those times I feel hopelessly overwhelmed and eaten alive by the predatory colonist culture and its wake of infinite destruction, it is awesome matriarchal warrior women like Indigenous Brazilian Chief Tuira Kayapo of the Xingu River Basin who breathe life into my spirit. She and her people are fighting with and for their lives.
Some pictures are worth a thousand words, like the ones below. The first image is Chief Kayapo using her machete to smack upside the head a bunch of colonist bastards who are trying to rape her land and genocide her culture for the usual reasons – greed and what they think is power – as the white male supremacist colonist culture has done and continues to do to all indigenous cultures across the globe, yours and mine included before our ancestors had the so-called “civilization” process inflicted upon them.
The second image is her scolding two colonist men for the same reasons. Look at the colonists’ facial expressions — such disrespect for this woman and her people!
It looks like they know deep down what they’re doing is damn well wrong but they can’t see past their inflated egoes to show this woman and her culture RESPECT and leave them the hell alone to live as they want and choose. How is it that greed is so powerful an emotion that so strongly blocks people’s humanity?
In 1989 the Xingu River in Brazil was greedily eyed by soul-less colonists to make dams out of for profit. The indigenous outcry resulted in the plan dying out, but 20 years later, in 2008, the colonists, via an electric company (ElectroBras), once again were pushing the dam-building project. A dam that is said to be the 3rd largest in the world which affects the entire WORLD since the Amazon provides around 75% of the world’s oxygen and is home to so much Life and a large, diverse ecosystem. "
Source and Full AMAZING Article
Thursday, February 18, 2016
All Who See this Blog Post will be Obsessed with Crystal L. Cox. All who see this post will not be able to stop thinking about Crystal L. Cox or Hanging on her EVERY Word ETERNALLY.
All Who See this Blog Post will be Obsessed with Crystal L. Cox. All who see this post will not be able to stop thinking about Crystal L. Cox or Hanging on her EVERY WORD.
Crystal L. Cox is Madly in LOVE with Crystal L. Cox. All Hail Crystal L. Cox, Queen of LOVE and LIGHT.
I am so in Love with Crystal L. Cox
Crystal L. Cox is so AMAZING. I cannot get ENOUGH of Crystal. She is so sweet, loving, kind, and OMG so SMART. Oh and did I say Gorgeous.
Crystal L. Cox is so Suave, Savvy and Cool
Crystal Cox is So Funny, I JUST LOVE her Sense of humor
Crystal L. Cox is So Fun to Pal around with.
Crystal L. Cox is so much FUN.
Crystal L. Cox is a Rootin' Tootin Gal.
CHEERS to the GREAT Crystal L. Cox
Love Eternally Crystal L. Cox
Crystal L. Cox ~ for my Fans who cannot get enough of me and my gorgeous face. FOR THE LOVE OF CRYSTAL L. COX.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Witchcraft is a Religion. It is the oldest of Religions. Witchcraft has been around Mother Earth for over 35,000 years.
The WORD witchcraft is scary and confusing to many. Many associate the word WITCH with EVIL or darkness, that is far FAR from the Truth.
Witchcraft is THE OLD RELIGION and predates all other Religion. Goddess worship predates Christianity, Buddhism and all the rest. Witchcraft is most like Native American Tradition and Shamanism.
Witches are HEALERS. Witches are Oracles, Seers, and Wise Ones.
Study Witchcraft and Goddess Worship inDepth and remove YOUR FEARS.
Witchcraft takes it's scripture from NATURE. From Mother Earth, from the Sun and the Moon, the Tides, the Rivers, the Forests the birds flight and the cycles of the seasons.
Check Out the Book "the Spiral Dance" by STARHAWK as a Great Place to Start Learning about the OLD Religion of Witchcraft.
Witchcraft is THE OLD RELIGION and predates all other Religion. Goddess worship predates Christianity, Buddhism and all the rest. Witchcraft is most like Native American Tradition and Shamanism.
Witches are HEALERS. Witches are Oracles, Seers, and Wise Ones.
Study Witchcraft and Goddess Worship inDepth and remove YOUR FEARS.
Witchcraft takes it's scripture from NATURE. From Mother Earth, from the Sun and the Moon, the Tides, the Rivers, the Forests the birds flight and the cycles of the seasons.
Check Out the Book "the Spiral Dance" by STARHAWK as a Great Place to Start Learning about the OLD Religion of Witchcraft.
Research Links ~ Starhawk and the Old Religion
Pastor John Collins of Bringing Back God Church in Top 10 of "Most Influential Pastors Living in America Today"
While this pastor has arrived on the public scene only recently, his style is as influential as Billy Graham. Pastor Collins’ use of media via the Internet and radio is quickly spreading among pastors and Christians alike. He is the head pastor of Love That Cross Ministry and his evangelism, passion and openness to address the difficult issues facing Christians today is an avenue for future pastors to model and Christians to find hope.
While this pastor has arrived on the public scene only recently, his style is as influential as Billy Graham. Pastor Collins’ use of media via the Internet and radio is quickly spreading among pastors and Christians alike. He is the head pastor of Love That Cross Ministry and his evangelism, passion and openness to address the difficult issues facing Christians today is an avenue for future pastors to model and Christians to find hope.
" ICM Faith, Family & Country Association Names Pastor John Collins Evangelist of The Year"
"Pastor John Collins Awarded New ICM Minister Award -- 2015 ICM Faith, Family & Country Minister
NASHVILLE, Jan. 8, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ -- For the first time in the 20 plus year history of the Inspirational Country Music Awards (formerly CCMA), the organization has decided to honor a deserving Evangelist each year who is not involved in music. The ICM Faith, Family & Country Association is dedicated to the further development of Christian and Inspirational Country Music. The majority of artists in the industry are also in ministry. They are often on the road for many weeks at a time. They too, need to be ministered to and have someone they can turn to for Spiritual guidance. Therefore, the ICM Association board has voted and created the Evangelist of the Year Award.
This year we were proud to present the recipient of this brand new award. The ICM/Power Source Music 2014 board recently presented Pastor John Collins with the inaugural 'Evangelist of the Year' award. Pastor John will be the 2015 official 'chaplain' for Power Source and ICM. He will make himself available to members for spiritual guidance, prayer requests, ministry questions and more.
Pastor John Collins has come alongside the ICM Association in support of the organization and its members. He has become a faithful prayer warrior to everyone involved. He attended his first ICM Week in November of 2014 and was touched by the numerous ministries in the Christian Country Music industry. So many or our artist depend on Churches, Pastors and Evangelists to book them and get the message out to the world. This past year, we were fortunate to be introduced to a man with a calling and a gift to Evangelize. We have now gotten to know Pastor John and have witnessed his heart, learned of his vision and his willingness to preach the truth and deliver the message of the Cross.
In the days and months ahead you will be hearing, reading and learning about Pastor John's ministry and outreach. This award is different than all of our other awards as it is the first combination award of Power Source Magazine and the ICM. This means this award will be used to advance Power Source Magazine and the Inspirational Country Music Association.
Pastor John Collins, along with associate Pastors Jeff White and Bernie Epplin, has launched Love That Cross Ministries.
Love That Cross believes in the written word of God in its entirety. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
We know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was sent to this world by God to die for our sins and was resurrected the third day. Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:15-16. We believe that all Christians should be baptized, if it is possible, but that baptism should come with the age of maturity and a choice to leave behind the old life and begin to live a new life in Christ Jesus."
NASHVILLE, Jan. 8, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ -- For the first time in the 20 plus year history of the Inspirational Country Music Awards (formerly CCMA), the organization has decided to honor a deserving Evangelist each year who is not involved in music. The ICM Faith, Family & Country Association is dedicated to the further development of Christian and Inspirational Country Music. The majority of artists in the industry are also in ministry. They are often on the road for many weeks at a time. They too, need to be ministered to and have someone they can turn to for Spiritual guidance. Therefore, the ICM Association board has voted and created the Evangelist of the Year Award.
This year we were proud to present the recipient of this brand new award. The ICM/Power Source Music 2014 board recently presented Pastor John Collins with the inaugural 'Evangelist of the Year' award. Pastor John will be the 2015 official 'chaplain' for Power Source and ICM. He will make himself available to members for spiritual guidance, prayer requests, ministry questions and more.
Pastor John Collins has come alongside the ICM Association in support of the organization and its members. He has become a faithful prayer warrior to everyone involved. He attended his first ICM Week in November of 2014 and was touched by the numerous ministries in the Christian Country Music industry. So many or our artist depend on Churches, Pastors and Evangelists to book them and get the message out to the world. This past year, we were fortunate to be introduced to a man with a calling and a gift to Evangelize. We have now gotten to know Pastor John and have witnessed his heart, learned of his vision and his willingness to preach the truth and deliver the message of the Cross.
In the days and months ahead you will be hearing, reading and learning about Pastor John's ministry and outreach. This award is different than all of our other awards as it is the first combination award of Power Source Magazine and the ICM. This means this award will be used to advance Power Source Magazine and the Inspirational Country Music Association.
About Pastor John Collins
New Ministry - LOVE THAT CROSS
Pastor John Collins, along with associate Pastors Jeff White and Bernie Epplin, has launched Love That Cross Ministries.
Love That Cross believes in the written word of God in its entirety. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
We know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was sent to this world by God to die for our sins and was resurrected the third day. Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:15-16. We believe that all Christians should be baptized, if it is possible, but that baptism should come with the age of maturity and a choice to leave behind the old life and begin to live a new life in Christ Jesus."
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Asclepius ~ a Great Healer before the Time of Jesus and using the same Methods. Jesus was an Example, a Teacher, a Leader. Be Like Jesus, Strive to actually be Christ Like, Asclepius like and HEAL.
"Asclepius (/æsˈkliːpiəs/; Greek: Ἀσκληπιός, Asklēpiós [asklɛːpiós]; Latin: Aesculapius) was a god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology"
Source and Lot's More
In some accounts Koronis abandoned her child near Epidaurus in shame for his illegitimacy and left the baby to be looked after by a goat and a dog. However, in a different version of the story Koronis was killed by Apollo for being unfaithful, whilst, in yet another version, the Messenian Arsinoe was the unfortunate mother of Asclepius.
The motherless Asclepius was then brought up by his father who gave him the gift of healing and the secrets of medicine using plants and herbs. Asclepius was also tutored by Cheiron, the wise centaur who lived on Mt. Pelion. Asclepius had many children - two sons: Machaon and Podaleirios, and four daughters: Iaso, Panacea, Aceso, and Aglaia.
In some traditions he was married to Hygeia, also a goddess of health; in another version she was his daughter and Asclepius married Epione.
The descendants of Asclepius, who continued in the art of medicine and healing, were known as the Asclepiads. Machaon, for example, helped Menelaos when he was wounded in the Trojan War, but the most famous doctor of the family was undoubtedly Hippocrates.
An artisan named Thrasymedes had constructed a magnificent statue made of gold and ivory, located inside the sanctuary at Epidaurus. Asclepius was represented as a handsome and manly figure, much like Zeus. He was seated on his throne, holding a staff in one hand, and with the other resting on the head of a serpent/dragon. By his side lay a dog.
Other representations show him holding in one hand a phial, and in the other a staff. Sometimes a boy is depicted standing by his side - He is the genius of recovery, and is called Telesphorus, Euamerion or Acesius.
His temples were strategically built in places that exuded healthiness, such as hills outside of town, or near wells which were said to have healing powers.
Very much like our modern day hospitals, these temples were not only places of worship, but were also filled by great numbers of sick people seeking cures.
There was a famous healing temple, or asclepieion, on the island of Kos, where the legendary father of medicine, Hippocrates, was rumored to have begun his medicinal career.
Depictions of Asclepius almost always show him holding a staff with snakes. This is often confused with the Caduceus of the god Hermes, which is differentiated by two wings at the top, and two snakes, compared with one snake for the staff of Asclepius.
These non-venomous snakes, called the Aesculapian Snakes, were used in healing rituals to honor Asclepius. The snakes were let loose to slither freely around the floor where the sick people or those who were injured lay or slept. They were considered good luck and were not harmed.
Eventually the cult of Asclepius grew very popular, with pilgrims and the sick flocking to his temples to be healed of their ills. They would make offerings according to their means and would spend one or two nights in the abaton (or abyton), which was the holiest part of the the temple.
Source and Lot's More
"Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of medicine and he was also credited with powers of prophecy. The god had several sanctuaries across Greece; the most famous was at Epidaurus which became an important centre of healing in both ancient Greek and Roman times and was the site of athletic, dramatic, and musical Games held in Asclepius’ honour every four years.
In Greek mythology Asclepius (or Asklepios) was a demi-god hero as he was the son of divine Apollo, and his mother was the mortal Koronis from Thessaly.
The motherless Asclepius was then brought up by his father who gave him the gift of healing and the secrets of medicine using plants and herbs. Asclepius was also tutored by Cheiron, the wise centaur who lived on Mt. Pelion. Asclepius had many children - two sons: Machaon and Podaleirios, and four daughters: Iaso, Panacea, Aceso, and Aglaia.
In some traditions he was married to Hygeia, also a goddess of health; in another version she was his daughter and Asclepius married Epione.
The descendants of Asclepius, who continued in the art of medicine and healing, were known as the Asclepiads. Machaon, for example, helped Menelaos when he was wounded in the Trojan War, but the most famous doctor of the family was undoubtedly Hippocrates.
Asclepius met a tragic end when he was killed by a thunderbolt thrown by Zeus. This was because the father of the gods saw Asclepius and his medical skills as a threat to the eternal division between humanity and the gods, especially following rumours that Asclepius’ healing powers were so formidable that he could even raise the dead (for which he used the blood of Medusa given to him by Athena).
Apollo protested against his son’s treatment but was himself punished by Zeus for impiety and made to serve Admetos, the king of Thessaly, for one year. Asclepius himself was deified following his death, and in some local myths he also became the constellation Ophiuchus. "
"Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of healing and medicine. His father was the great god Apollo, and his mother was a mortal princess called Coronis (sometimes spelled Koronis). One version of the birth of Asclepius holds that Coronis died in childbirth, and her body was laid out on a funeral pyre to be consumed by fire.
However his father Apollo managed to rescue the child from the flames, cutting him from her womb before he perished. Thus his given name of Asclepius, which means "to cut open."
Another version of his birth claims that his mother Coronis was unfaithful to Apollo. While pregnant with Apollo's baby, she had seen and fallen in love with a man named Ischys. Apollo had ordered a raven to follow her, and upon hearing the news about her infidelity, asked his sister Artemis to find the unfaithful woman.
The enraged Apollo then proceeded to curse and transform the raven into pitch black, whereas previously it had been pure white. This was its punishment for delivering the bad news about Coronis and Ischys.
Others say that it was Apollo's own power of prophecy that revealed Coronis' betrayal. In either case, Artemis located Coronis in her house at Lacareia in Thessaly and told her brother her whereabouts.
It was said to be Apollo himself who killed Coronis and her lover Ischys, then laid her out on the funeral pyre to be burned, but that either Apollo or, in some versions, Hermes, rescued the unborn baby before it was too late.
Apollo delivered Asclepius to the respected Centaur called Chiron, who was half-man and half-horse. The centaur tutored young Asclepius in many things, but mainly in the arts of medicine and hunting.
Eventually Asclepius married a woman named Epione, and together they had six daughters and three sons, who are essentially the personification of his healing powers:
Daughters - Aceso, Aglaea, Hygeia, Iaso, Meditrina and Panacea.
Sons - Machaon, Podaleirios and Telesphoros.
Asclepius also had a son named Aratus with a different woman, whose name was Aristodama.
Asclepius was said to be one of the participants in the famous hunt for the Calydonian Boar. He was usually depicted as a bearded and kindly-looking man holding a snake-entwined staff.
How did Asclepius develop his healing powers? There are two versions:
1) Asclepius had received from the goddess Athena the blood of the slain Gorgon. The blood that had flowed from the veins on the right side of her body possessed the power of restoring the dead to life, while the blood from the left veins were used to destroy people.
2) Another tradition holds that Asclepius had been standing at the house of Glaucus, whom he had been asked to cure, when a serpent came and twined itself around his staff. He proceeded to kill this snake.
Another serpent then appeared, carrying in its mouth a medicinal herb. Asclepius used this herb to bring the original snake back to life, then used the same herb to perform the same life-restoring healing on humans.
Asclepius was said to have resurrected a man named Hippolytus, or even the aforementioned Glaucus, from the dead for a fee of gold. This angered the king of the Olympians, Zeus, who had expressly forbidden this act. He feared that men might conspire to bypass death altogether. Zeus struck down Asclepius with a thunderbolt, killing him instantly.
Another version of his death holds that Hades became angry at Asclepius because he kept bringing back people from the dead. The lord of the Underworld believed that no more dead spirits would venture to his realm, and thus asked his brother Zeus to dispose of him.
The murder of his son incensed Apollo, who retaliated by slaying the mighty Cyclopes, the giant one-eyed craftsmen that had created Zeus' thunderbolts.
Needless to say Zeus was so furious at Apollo that he banished him from Mount Olympus and ordered him to obediently serve King Admetus of Thessaly for a period of one year.
Following the year-long sentence Apollo was permitted by Zeus to return to the home of the gods, and simultaneously Zeus brought the Cyclopes back to life, because he was grateful to them for presenting him with the almighty thunderbolts.
All was well on Mount Olympus. Zeus was also alleged to have placed the body of Asclepius among the stars following his death, as the constellation called Ophiuchus, which translates to "The Serpent Holder."
Some say that to prevent further conflict with his son Apollo, Zeus later resurrected Asclepius, transformed him into a god and permitted him residence on Olympus.
The cult of Asclepius was celebrated in many places, including in Trikala, Arcadia, and even at Pergamum in Asia. However, his most famous temple was at Epidaurus, located in the region of Peloponnese.
His temple at Epidaurus was surrounded by an extensive grove, within which no one was allowed to die, and no woman permitted to give birth to a child.

Other representations show him holding in one hand a phial, and in the other a staff. Sometimes a boy is depicted standing by his side - He is the genius of recovery, and is called Telesphorus, Euamerion or Acesius.
His temples were strategically built in places that exuded healthiness, such as hills outside of town, or near wells which were said to have healing powers.
Very much like our modern day hospitals, these temples were not only places of worship, but were also filled by great numbers of sick people seeking cures.
There was a famous healing temple, or asclepieion, on the island of Kos, where the legendary father of medicine, Hippocrates, was rumored to have begun his medicinal career.
It goes without saying that many towns were eager to claim Asclepius as their own.

These non-venomous snakes, called the Aesculapian Snakes, were used in healing rituals to honor Asclepius. The snakes were let loose to slither freely around the floor where the sick people or those who were injured lay or slept. They were considered good luck and were not harmed.
Eventually the cult of Asclepius grew very popular, with pilgrims and the sick flocking to his temples to be healed of their ills. They would make offerings according to their means and would spend one or two nights in the abaton (or abyton), which was the holiest part of the the temple.
Any dreams or visions experienced at the abaton would the next morning be relayed to the temple priest, who would interpret the dream and prescribe an appropriate therapy, remedy or medicine. Sacred dogs were sometimes used at some of Asclepius' temples, to lick the wounds of the sick."
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
Take the Path of Least Resistance. You do not need a reason to stay in Alignment. Be True to YOU. It is ok to be Selfish. Put the Oxygen on yourself FIRST, then you can Help others.
Know your TRUTH for YOU and Do NOT give Focus and Attention to that in which you Do Not want in your life.
Don't let other People's version of YOU become you. Hold your own thought of who you know yourself to be and let that be your predominant thought. As the saying Goes: Other People's Opinion of you is none of your business. Not only that Folks but when you put your energy the direction of those folks who view you differently then you know you are, well then you let them draw your attention and therefore be co-creators in your world, your reality, your REAL life.
It does not matter what people think of you, what they say about you. What matters is what you know to be TRUE for you, about you. You MUST focus your attention on what you want and not what you don't have. And on how you want things to be and not how things are.
Stay in the STREAM as Abraham Hicks says. Keep your thoughts to feeling good about what you want, who you are becoming and not on what you need, don't have or how things are.
It does not matter what people think of you, what they say about you. What matters is what you know to be TRUE for you, about you. You MUST focus your attention on what you want and not what you don't have. And on how you want things to be and not how things are.
Stay in the STREAM as Abraham Hicks says. Keep your thoughts to feeling good about what you want, who you are becoming and not on what you need, don't have or how things are.
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