As we lay in wait of the constant upcoming, and we gather the forces we cannot see, we sit in plunder, awaiting their next tide of victory.
Peace be our crave. Today rolling into the infinite tomorrow. No way to complete the task as it eternally yearns itself. The tides continue to ebb, to flow. We live, we cross over, we continue in the great continuum.
They Plunder when they choose. We learn a higher vibration, we cannot yet master. We bring in information we cannot yet put to critical mass.
The positive we strive to focus on. The point and purpose we strive to remember. Yet we sit in blunder as those in mastery plunder. We bring in waves of lights and tools we cannot yet use. We long for home where, the vibration we knew.
We move forward to master the goal, to declare the truth and heal the lie. We sit in aspect of ourselves and we wonder what clarity will next allow our furthering of our conscious core.
Reverend Crystal Cox