You are all from different “places” in the Multi-Verse. You all have Unique Gifts from your “home planet let’s call it. It is time to plug into your own Channelled information, your own Highest Excitement, your Own Truth. The other Channels don’t know what is best for YOU, nor YOUR unique powers, skills, knowledge. The information is nice, it feels good, it is accurate if it feels so to you, however, there is MORE. Time for you to bring in your own INFORMATION. All of YOU.
There is Nothing to Fear, the Oppressors are GONE and the Clean Up is well under way. Not yet Complete however, our “Job”, our “Mission” is DONE in that aspect and now it is time to bump up our Game per say, to learn more, know more and to actually use our “Powers” per say.
Yes I enjoy the information from the Pleiadians, from Kryon and I Love them. I enjoyed and enjoy so many Channels, however, NOW is time for you to be a Conscious Channel. To Walk in the Channeled Information all the time. To walk in the energy of HOME. Meaning to listen so intently within that you know without a doubt what information you want to bring through. And to FULLY trust your own joy, excitement, and what you want to do as being that of your highest and best and your MISSION.
No more “strung out” on the “the Event”, no worries of Armageddon, no waiting for the next “message” on YouTube from ANYONE or Anywhere. Sit with YOU. KNOW you. Bring in your own information from your Home Star System, your true roots and your FULL Multi-Dimensional Self. New Earth is HERE and it is a Frequency.
We have moved in the Galaxy, Timeline have Collapsed, you are your best self and your frequency is raising daily. Trust You ABOVE ALL Else.
Now a time for Complete Faith, for knowing that there is NO DEATH there is only waking up CONSCIOUS in a different Reality, a different Version of You. Fearing Death of yourself or loved ones LITERALLY steals your Life Force. THERE IS NO DEATH. Don’t use the thought of Death or the fear of “losing” loved ones as a reason to keep your “powers” in check, a reason to torture yourself with western medicine lies, a reason to control others and call it worry. Death is a Graduation to another Level, period, it is nothing to FEAR.
All we studied for decades, Kryon changing the magnetic poles. The Pleiadians bringing information to awaken us, to teach and test us. The Harmonic Convergence back in the day. Timeline Collapsing and yes we are in a very different Reality, Dimension (ie: Mandela Effect, Quantum Shift). It has ALL Happened, and the clean up is underway by those who came here to do such (the Galactic Federation of Light).
It is all happening. The Light has WON. We are now witnessing the Clean up of Energy and it is Beautiful, Glorious. The Galactic Federation of Light is cleaning it all up. Time for US, those of Us on the front lines of Light Work lets’ call it, we are moving on to more, creating more, bringing in more energy and learning, using New Tools of New Earth to do MORE THINGS.
A time to stop sitting in Spiritual Status Quo, and to STOP waiting for the information to come out somewhere or through someone. Now is time for you ALL to heal each other Energy Healing available to ALL. Raise your Own Personal Frequency. Raise your Own personal Vibration.
We are no longer Awakening People per say, we are supporting the Awakened and we ourselves are learning NEW and more, we are upping our Game another words.
You are Your God. You are your Healer. You are your Preacher. You are your Doctor. You are your best Channel. You are your most powerful Ally. You know Best for YOU. Trust you.
No need to Control anyone else. Stop trying to Control what others want, see, are and FOCUS on what you are bringing in. Your Home Planet per say is speaking to you. Your Highest Self, the highest aspect of you is speaking to you, LISTEN. Your Joy, Your Excitement is your Clearest Guide.
YOU are the TEMPLE. You are the NEW RELIGION. You are the Only GOD you “Need”.
~ Reverend Crystal Cox
Goddess Church, Universal Church of Light
ALL Denomination New Earth Ministry